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Jérôme et Catherine Nourry
290 rue de la Mer
Le Petit Appeville à Hautot sur Mer


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €416





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Description for B&B:

This beautiful house dates back to the 17th century and was originally a mill. Situated on a vast property spanning 4 hectares, it is adorned with charming small rivers that crisscross the land. Each of the three bedrooms in the house has its own private bathroom for added convenience and comfort.

The first bedroom features a double bed and an adjoining child bedroom. The second bedroom offers a splitable double bed and a baby bed, perfect for families with young children. The third bedroom is a spacious and versatile studio apartment with a mezzanine and a living-kitchen room.

What's more, each bedroom has its own separate entrance to the main house, ensuring privacy and ease of access. Additionally, wireless internet is available throughout the property, allowing guests to stay connected during their stay.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming home situated in a magnificent property boasting numerous serene rivers and a historic mill. With three comfortable bedrooms, one well-appointed bathroom, a cozy living room, a spacious dining room, and a fully-equipped kitchen, this property offers everything you need for a delightful stay. Enjoy the tranquility of your own private garden and take advantage of the convenient inner parking. Stay connected with our reliable internet access.


Appréciations pour Le Moulin Fleuri, Le Petit Appeville à Hautot sur Mer:

Séjour du 08 avril 2015
Review by: Alleaume Nathalie, Avr 10 2015 2:00PM
Un lieu plein de charme, avec un accueil simple mais efficace.
Une chambre agréable ayant gardé l'authenticité du lieu.
Le présence de poules, de moutons et d'un magnifique lapin renforçant le sentiment de bien être.
Après une nuit agréable et reposante, le séjour ce conclu par un petit déjeuner copieux, partagé avec les autres pensionnaires du moulin.
Moment convivial, qui fait regretter l'absence de table d'hôte à cette période.
Nous pensons revenir dans ces lieux en été afin de pouvoir profiter du charme du jardin et de ces alentours.

Séjour du 08 avril 2015
Review by: Alleaume Nathalie, Avr 10 2015 2:00PM
Un lieu plein de charme, avec un accueil simple mais efficace.
Une chambre agréable ayant gardé l'authenticité du lieu.
Le présence de poules, de moutons et d'un magnifique lapin renforçant le sentiment de bien être.
Après une nuit agréable et reposante, le séjour ce conclu par un petit déjeuner copieux, partagé avec les autres pensionnaires du moulin.
Moment convivial, qui fait regretter l'absence de table d'hôte à cette période.
Nous pensons revenir dans ces lieux en été afin de pouvoir profiter du charme du jardin et de ces alentours.

Séjour du 24 mai 2013
Review by: Marie-José Moreau, Mai 26 2013 10:13AM
Un endroit magique avec un accueil agréable.
Je regrette seulement que, ayant réservé pour 2 couples, la qualité des chambres n'était pas équivalente!
la chambre pour 3 voire 4 ou 6 avec la mezzanine, n'a pas vraiment de charme et ressemble plutôt à un dortoir, elle ne figure d'ailleurs pas sur les photos!
Nous comptons revenir en automne, je ne souhaiterai pas me retrouver dans la même situation!
Satisfaits !
Review by: Benjamin Favier, Avr 27 2013 9:11PM
Nous souhaitions nous reposer, loin du brouhaha parisien avec ma compagne : séjour on ne peut plus réussi. Lieu magique, chambre très confortable, accueil convivial… Un petit paradis, tout proche de la mer (nous y sommes allés à pied…), dans un coin de la Normandie que nous ne connaissions pas. Nous y retournerons sans hésiter…

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To reach St Valery en Caux from Dieppe, follow the road until you reach Petit Appeville where you will notice a bakery and pharmacy on the corner. Take a right turn at that intersection and continue straight for 200 meters until you reach the bridge. Once you cross the bridge, you will have arrived at your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 416 416 550 oui
(3 pers.)
1 120 150 350 650 oui
Apartment 1 120 150 350 650 facutatif
Holiday Home 1 non




  • Le Tréport: Located just 4 kilometers away, Le Tréport is a picturesque coastal town known for its beautiful beaches, charming harbor, and stunning cliffs. Visitors can explore the historic funicular railway, enjoy fresh seafood, and take in breathtaking views from the top of the cliffs.
  • Dieppe: Situated approximately 10 kilometers from Hautot sur Mer, Dieppe is a vibrant seaside resort town with a rich history. It offers a range of attractions, including the famous Château de Dieppe, the bustling Saturday market, and a lovely promenade along the beach.
  • Bois des Moutiers: This enchanting garden is located around 20 kilometers away and is considered one of the finest examples of Arts and Crafts gardens in France. Boasting an array of rare plants, beautiful flowers, and a magnificent manor house, it is a perfect spot for nature lovers and garden enthusiasts.
  • Varengeville-sur-Mer: Situated approximately 25 kilometers away, this charming village is known for its idyllic setting and artistic heritage. The village features stunning gardens, such as the Jardin Shamrock and the Parc des Moutiers, as well as the famous Saint-Valery Church, which houses stained glass windows by Georges Braque.
  • Fécamp: Located around 30 kilometers from Hautot sur Mer, Fécamp is a historic fishing town with a rich maritime heritage. Visitors can explore the impressive Benedictine Palace, visit the fishing harbor, and enjoy a stroll along the scenic promenade. Fécamp is also home to the famous Bénédictine liqueur, which can be tasted at the distillery.
  • Etretat: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away, Etretat is renowned for its majestic cliffs and natural arches. This iconic coastal destination has inspired many artists, including Claude Monet and Guy de Maupassant. Visitors can hike along the cliff paths, admire the breathtaking views, and relax on the pebble beach.
  • Rouen: Located around 80 kilometers from Hautot sur Mer, Rouen is the historic capital of Normandy. The city is famous for its stunning Gothic cathedral, impressive medieval architecture, and its association with Joan of Arc. Visitors can explore the charming old town, visit art museums, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of this cultural hub. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Hautot sur Mer. Each offers a unique experience and a chance to immerse yourself in the beauty and history of the Normandy region in France.