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Contact Details:


Isabelle Metayer
le bourg /rte du fessou


9 reviews

Price per week:

price from €350





Description for Gite

Here is a rewritten version of the gite description:

Experience the comfort and charm of our 4-bedroom gite, Macarons Cerise. Each room is thoughtfully designed to provide a cozy atmosphere for your stay. The twin beds in the first room can be arranged as a king size bed upon request. With 27 square meters of space, you'll have plenty of room to relax. The ensuite shower room also includes a toilet for your convenience. Enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee with the provided set.

For a sweet and savory escape, choose our Sucrée Salée room. The 20 square meter space features a spacious bed (140x200) and an ensuite shower room with a toilet. Indulge in a peaceful getaway and start your day with a warm beverage from the tea or coffee set available in the room.

On the ground floor, you'll find a 20 square meter room with a comfortable king size bed (160x200) and a modern Italian shower. This convenient setup provides easy access for guests with mobility concerns.

Our family suite is perfect for a group of 4 to 5 people. It includes two double rooms that share a stylish shower room with an Italian shower. The independent toilet adds extra privacy and convenience for your stay.

No matter which room you choose, you can expect a delightful and comfortable experience at our gite. Book your stay with us today and create unforgettable memories.


Appréciations pour Hamac et Macarons, Echallat:

Hamac et macarons
Review by: Marie de Marignan, Mar 3 2013 5:36PM
Nous avons passé une agréable soirée et nuit dans cette maiso ! Propriétaire charmante et accueillante, dîner excellent et raffiné à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte ! Chambre propre, cadre verdoyant. Que des points positifs ! Nous la recommandons vivement.
Review by: CAHAREL Denise, Jan 6 2013 9:58PM
Superbe maison d'hôte , cuisine et déco raffinée , chambre cerise superbe . Medhi nous a accueilli avec gentillesse , c' est un passionné , il est cultivé , une personne qui ce fait rare de nos jours . Nous n' avons pas eu le plaisir de rencontrer Isabelle, la prochaine fois j' espère, nous sommes repartis avec de suculents macarons , au diable le régime et la balance . merci pour cet agréable séjour
Review by: pouliquen, Mai 28 2011 3:22PM
Hôtesse passionnée, cuisine raffinée, petit déjeuner divin, nuit tranquille... Merci .
un réel plaisir
Review by: percevault, Mai 12 2011 12:37PM
un cadre magnifique, une tranquillité du pur bonheur pour des parisiens. La chambre familiale spacieuse et agréable pour la vie à 4. Nous passons passés un bon séjour de 2 jours avec propriétaire très agréable et d'une grande richesse au niveau de la cuisine. Je le recommande fortement. Les villes aux alentours sont très belles.
hamac et macarons prestations
Review by: maggy et pierre oms , Fev 11 2011 11:10AM
accueil à la hauteur des prestations programmées c'est à dire sublime ! repas du soir n'a rien à envier à tout ce qui est servi sur les grandes tables parisiennes ! (c'est un chef cuisinier qui parle) le petit déjeûner était radieux (chouquettes maison tièdes , confitures et j'en passe ) j'oubliais de dire isabelle sympa bravo isabelle on reviendra
super séjour
Review by: daugenet j-p, Oct 22 2010 2:23PM
oui vraiment on ne peut que revenir dans cet endroit
une hotesse charmante et talentueuse dans tous les domaines
merci et bon courage pour la suite de vos travaux
hamac et macaron
Review by: dreux, Aou 13 2010 11:34PM
Nous avions réservé un séjour pour 1 nuit, c'était tellement bien que nous y sommes revenus 2 jours. Isabelle a su nous charmer par son art de recevoir, sa cuisine, sa disponibilité. Encore merci pour ces agréables moments.
Une visite en Charente en février
Review by: Souad & JP, Mai 9 2010 6:52PM
Dans un cadre agréable et reposant nous avons été chaleureusement accueillis par l'hôtesse de cette superbe maison d'hôtes. Déguster des macarons au coin de la cheminée, un vrai délice que nous vous conseillons vivement. Excellent souvenir....... Merci Isabelle !
Superbe séjour à Hamac & Macaron
Review by: Boua Adjouba, Sep 11 2009 10:10PM
Nous sommes venus pour une nuit, nous sommes finalement restés 3 jours et repartis avec 3 boites de Macarons. Cadre paisible, qualité de chambre irréprochable, les brioches chaudes faites maison du petit déjeuner innoubliable. Les jeux de piscine apportés par la propriétaire ont ammusé nos enfants pendant des heures. Chambre d'hôte à conseiller

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To get to your destination, follow these revised travel directions:
From Angouleme, make sure to head towards Cognac. After approximately 20km, you will reach Hiersac. At this point, turn right and continue in the direction of Rouillac/Echallat. After traveling for 7km, you will come across a sign indicating "Echallat." Take the first right turn and continue following the street until you reach a square. At the square, take the first right onto Route de Fessou. After traveling for about 200m, you will spot a house with yellow shutters on the right side. Congratulations, you have arrived at your destination!



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 2 350 860


Swimming Pool


  • Cognac: Located approximately 20 kilometers from Echallat, Cognac is famous for its production of the renowned French brandy. Visitors can explore various distilleries, take guided tours to learn about the production process, and even enjoy tastings of different Cognac varieties.
  • Château de la Rochefoucauld: Situated around 25 kilometers from Echallat, this stunning Renaissance castle offers visitors a glimpse into French history and architecture. With its well-preserved interiors and beautiful gardens, the Château de la Rochefoucauld offers guided tours and hosts various events throughout the year.
  • Angoulême: Located approximately 35 kilometers away, Angoulême is a historic city known for its picturesque old town and its annual International Comics Festival. Visitors can explore the city's narrow streets, visit the impressive Cathedral of Saint-Pierre, and enjoy panoramic views from the ramparts.
  • Jarnac: Situated around 30 kilometers from Echallat, Jarnac is a charming town famous for being the birthplace of former French President François Mitterrand. Visitors can explore the Maison de la Lieutenance, a historic building converted into a museum dedicated to Mitterrand, and take boat trips along the Charente River.
  • Rochefort: Located approximately 70 kilometers away, Rochefort is a maritime city known for its naval history. Visitors can explore the impressive Corderie Royale, a former rope factory converted into a museum, and visit the replica of the frigate Hermione, which played a significant role in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Saintes: Situated around 65 kilometers from Echallat, Saintes is a picturesque town rich in Roman heritage. Visitors can explore the well-preserved Roman amphitheater, visit the Arch of Germanicus, and admire the stunning Saintes Cathedral, dating back to the 12th century.
  • Bordeaux: Located approximately 120 kilometers away, Bordeaux is a vibrant city renowned for its wine production and stunning architecture. Visitors can explore the historic city center, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, visit renowned wineries, and enjoy the city's lively atmosphere and cultural offerings. Please note that the distances provided are approximate and may vary depending on the specific location in Echallat.