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C Bettens
Rue Dussert


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Price per week:

price from €350


+32 0117455663


+32 0474270893


Description for Gite

This charming renovated farmhouse is located in a peaceful countryside setting, offering a serene atmosphere and abundant natural beauty. The property features three spacious bedrooms and three bathrooms, providing comfortable accommodation for up to nine guests. Additionally, a refreshing swimming pool measuring 10mx5m awaits, offering panoramic views of the stunning Pyrenees mountain range, a mere 40 kilometers away.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 8 350 1050


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Montaner: Located in Montaner, about 9 km from Rue Dussert, this medieval castle is a well-preserved historical site. It offers guided tours to visitors, showcasing its impressive architecture and providing insights into its rich history.
  • Les Grottes de Betharram: Situated approximately 40 km from Rue Dussert, these stunning caves are a popular tourist destination. Visitors can explore the natural formations through guided tours, which take them through beautiful chambers, stalactites, and stalagmites.
  • Musée Massey: Found in Tarbes, around 23 km from Rue Dussert, this museum houses a diverse collection of art and historical artifacts. The museum's beautiful park and gardens also provide a serene atmosphere for visitors to relax and enjoy.
  • Sanctuaires Notre-Dame de Lourdes: Located in Lourdes, roughly 40 km from Rue Dussert, this religious site attracts millions of pilgrims each year. Visitors can explore the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, attend religious ceremonies, and visit the holy grotto where the Virgin Mary is believed to have appeared.
  • Le Jardin Massey: Situated in Tarbes, about 23 km from Rue Dussert, this picturesque public garden is a delightful place to unwind. It features beautifully landscaped gardens, a lake, and a variety of plant species, making it a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic.
  • Château de Pau: Located in Pau, approximately 44 km from Rue Dussert, this historic castle is associated with the birth of Henry IV, the former King of France. It offers guided tours, enabling visitors to explore its regal rooms, art collections, and enjoy panoramic views of the city.
  • Pic du Midi Observatory: Situated about 77 km from Rue Dussert, this mountain-top observatory offers breathtaking views of the Pyrenees. Visitors can take a cable car to reach the summit and explore the museum, planetarium, and observation decks, which provide a unique perspective of the surrounding landscape.
  • Parc Animalier des Pyrénées: Found in Argelès-Gazost, around 63 km from Rue Dussert, this wildlife park allows visitors to observe and learn about various animals native to the Pyrenees region. The park features species such as bears, wolves, lynxes, and birds of prey, providing an educational and entertaining experience.
  • Le Petit Train d'Artouste: Located approximately 89 km from Rue Dussert, this narrow-gauge train ride takes visitors through the stunning Pyrenees mountains. The scenic journey offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, including lakes and snow-capped peaks. 10. Les Thermes de Cauterets: Situated in Cauterets, roughly 83 km from Rue Dussert, this spa town is known for its thermal baths and wellness centers. Visitors can relax in the natural hot springs, indulge in spa treatments, and enjoy the charming ambiance of this mountain resort.