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Chantal Debarre


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

We offer four bed and breakfast rooms that have been accredited by Gîtes de France, each with private bathrooms. The rooms named Myosotis and Roseaux are suitable for two people. The room named Iris can accommodate two to four individuals. Additionally, our ground floor room named Papillon is wheelchair accessible and can also accommodate two to four guests. All of our rooms have been beautifully renovated in a traditional French style, reflecting the charm of homes from the 17th to 19th century.

Description for Gite

This gîte, proudly accredited by Gîtes de France, can comfortably accommodate 7 to 8 guests along with a baby. Nestled in the serene countryside, it offers a delightful retreat with all the modern amenities one would find in a high-rise building. The gîte is enveloped by a charming enclosed garden, and features a lovely terrace complete with garden furniture and a barbecue. Additionally, guests can enjoy a playful portico and a tennis table for added entertainment.


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To access the location, take the N137 (Rennes-Nantes) and exit at Guémené-Penfao. Once in the center, continue following the D3 towards Plessé. After traveling for about 1km, make a left turn and continue following the signs for Callac. Take another left turn and you will reach your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 60 65 378 409
(3 pers.)
2 85 85 535 565 20
Holiday Home 1 44 250 308 602


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


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  • Rochefort-en-Terre: Situated around 50 kilometers from Callac, Rochefort-en-Terre is a charming village renowned for its picturesque medieval architecture. Stroll through its narrow streets, admire the colorful flower displays, and visit the local artisans' shops.
  • La Gacilly: Located about 40 kilometers from Callac, La Gacilly is a small town famous for its connection to the Yves Rocher cosmetics brand. Explore the Yves Rocher Botanical Garden, visit the photography festival, and enjoy the scenic beauty along the river Aff.
  • Parc de la Préhistoire de Bretagne: Situated in Malansac, approximately an hour's drive from Callac, this prehistoric park offers a fascinating journey through time. Discover life-size reconstructions of prehistoric animals, explore interactive exhibits, and learn about the region's ancient history.
  • Parc de la Brière: Located around 70 kilometers from Callac, Parc de la Brière is a vast marshland area perfect for nature lovers. Take a boat ride through the canals, observe the diverse flora and fauna, and experience the peaceful ambiance of this unique wetland.
  • Port of La Roche-Bernard: Situated approximately 50 kilometers from Callac, the charming port town of La Roche-Bernard offers a delightful waterfront experience. Explore the picturesque harbor, wander through the medieval streets, and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the town's fortifications.
  • Musée de la Résistance Bretonne: Located in Saint-Marcel, around 40 kilometers from Callac, this museum commemorates the local resistance movements during World War II. Through various exhibits and artifacts, learn about the courageous actions of the Breton resistance fighters.
  • Château de Châteaubriant: Situated about 70 kilometers from Callac, Château de Châteaubriant is a stunning Renaissance castle. Explore the castle's towers, visit the art exhibitions, and enjoy the beautiful gardens surrounding the estate. These attractions offer a range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences for visitors near Callac, Guemene-Penfao, France.