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Contact Details:


Valerie Cadouin
La Basse Barbière
La Romagne


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Price per night:

price from €70





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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 70
(3 pers.)
1 90


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  • Puy du Fou (22 km): Puy du Fou is a historical theme park known for its epic shows and reenactments. Visitors can enjoy dazzling performances depicting different eras, such as Roman gladiator battles, medieval jousting tournaments, and Viking raids.
  • Château de Tiffauges (36 km): Also known as the Castle of Bluebeard, Château de Tiffauges is a medieval fortress located on a rocky outcrop. It offers visitors a chance to explore the castle's towers, dungeons, and beautiful gardens, while also providing insights into the life and legends of Gilles de Rais.
  • Parc Oriental de Maulévrier (40 km): Parc Oriental de Maulévrier is the largest Japanese garden in Europe. This serene and beautifully landscaped garden features traditional Japanese elements, including pagodas, bridges, and ponds. Strolling through the park offers a peaceful escape and a glimpse into Japanese culture.
  • Nantes (44 km): The vibrant city of Nantes offers a mix of historical sites and modern attractions. Visit the Château des Ducs de Bretagne, a grand medieval castle, or explore the unique and artistic Les Machines de l'Île, featuring giant mechanical creatures. Nantes also boasts numerous museums, charming streets, and a lively atmosphere.
  • Saumur (71 km): Situated along the Loire River, Saumur is known for its stunning Château de Saumur, a fairy-tale castle overlooking the town. Wine enthusiasts can visit the nearby vineyards and cellars to taste the renowned Saumur Champigny wines. Saumur is also home to the famous Cadre Noir equestrian display.
  • Angers (73 km): Angers is best known for its impressive medieval fortress, the Château d'Angers. The castle houses the remarkable Apocalypse Tapestry, depicting the Book of Revelation. Stroll through the historic streets of Angers, explore the beautiful parks, and visit the Cathédrale Saint-Maurice.
  • Mont Saint-Michel (200 km): While a bit farther from La Basse Barbière, Mont Saint-Michel is worth a visit for its breathtaking beauty. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a striking abbey perched on a rocky island accessible by a causeway. Experience the medieval atmosphere, explore the narrow streets, and enjoy stunning panoramic views. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the exact location in La Basse Barbière.

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