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laurent givernaud
La Faviére
Lac Des Rouges Truites


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price from €329





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Description for Gite

This charming cottage offers a comfortable stay with its two cozy bedrooms, well-equipped kitchen, modern bathroom, separate toilet, and a spacious terrace perfect for enjoying the outdoors.


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  • Lac des Rouges Truites: Located in the village of Lac des Rouges Truites, this stunning lake is a popular tourist attraction for its scenic beauty and recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, fishing, and picnicking while surrounded by lush forests and serene waters.
  • Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park: Situated near Lac des Rouges Truites, this vast nature park offers a variety of outdoor activities. It is known for its rolling hills, dense forests, and diverse wildlife. Hiking, mountain biking, and skiing are popular pursuits in this picturesque natural setting.
  • Cascades du Hérisson: Just a short drive from Lac des Rouges Truites, the Cascades du Hérisson is a series of beautiful waterfalls nestled in the Jura Mountains. The cascades range in height and provide mesmerizing views and photo opportunities. A well-maintained trail allows visitors to explore the waterfalls at their own pace.
  • Fort des Rousses: Located in the town of Les Rousses, this historic fort was built in the 19th century and offers a glimpse into the region's military past. Visitors can explore the fort's underground tunnels, barracks, and artillery positions. The fort also hosts exhibitions and events related to military history.
  • Bellefontaine: A charming village located near Lac des Rouges Truites, Bellefontaine is known for its traditional wooden chalets and scenic surroundings. Visitors can take leisurely walks through the village, admire the local architecture, and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding countryside.
  • Musée de la Lunette: Situated in Morez, a nearby town, the Musée de la Lunette is a fascinating museum dedicated to the history of eyewear and the local optical industry. The museum showcases an extensive collection of glasses, lenses, and optical instruments, providing insight into the craftsmanship and technological developments in the eyewear industry.
  • Château de Joux: Located in the foothills of the Jura Mountains, Château de Joux is a medieval fortress that offers a glimpse into centuries of history. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and underground dungeons. The site also hosts exhibitions and reenactments, providing an immersive experience. These attractions near La Faviére, Lac Des Rouges Truites, offer a mix of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural experiences, making the area an appealing destination for tourists.

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