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Brigitte Cazenave
8 chemin du bourg



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price from €329






Description for Gite

We offer a spacious accommodation spanning 73m2, suitable for 1 to 10 guests. This lovely lodging includes a cozy sitting room, a comfortable living room, a well-equipped kitchen, a relaxing lounge area, and a delightful terrace. Conveniently located near the charming Township Lembeye 64350, this accommodation is perfect for your stay. For more information and to view specific details, please visit our website.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
(3 pers.)
Holiday Home 2 49 56 329 458 sem


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Animals Allowed


  • Château de Pau: Located in the city of Pau, approximately 32 kilometers from Lespielle, the Château de Pau is a historical castle known for being the birthplace of King Henry IV of France. It offers guided tours, showcasing its stunning architecture and displaying a collection of period furniture and artwork.
  • Musée National et Domaine du Château de Malmaison: Situated in Rueil-Malmaison, around 192 kilometers from Lespielle, this museum is housed in the former residence of Napoleon Bonaparte and his first wife, Josephine. Visitors can explore the restored rooms, admire the imperial collections, and stroll through the beautiful gardens.
  • Musée du Louvre: Located in the heart of Paris, approximately 185 kilometers from Lespielle, the Louvre is one of the world's largest and most famous art museums. It houses an extensive collection of art and historical artifacts, including the iconic Mona Lisa. The museum is a must-visit for art enthusiasts and history buffs.
  • Grottes de Bétharram: Situated in Saint-Pé-de-Bigorre, around 66 kilometers from Lespielle, the Grottes de Bétharram are a network of underground caves formed by the Gave de Pau river. Visitors can take a guided tour to discover the stunning rock formations, underground lakes, and impressive stalactites and stalagmites.
  • Cirque de Gavarnie: Located in Gavarnie, approximately 88 kilometers from Lespielle, this UNESCO World Heritage site is a natural amphitheater formed by glaciers. The cirque offers breathtaking views of towering cliffs and a stunning waterfall, making it a popular destination for hiking, photography, and nature lovers.
  • Château de Montaner: Situated in Montaner, around 50 kilometers from Lespielle, this medieval fortress is known for its well-preserved defensive architecture. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, walls, and gardens while learning about its rich history through interactive exhibits and guided tours.
  • Basilique Notre-Dame du Rosaire: Located in Lourdes, approximately 23 kilometers from Lespielle, this basilica is an important pilgrimage site for Catholics worldwide. The stunning architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and peaceful atmosphere make it a must-visit for spiritual and cultural experiences.
  • Musée du Château de Pau: Situated in Pau, around 32 kilometers from Lespielle, this museum is housed within the Château de Pau and showcases the history and heritage of the region. Visitors can explore the museum's various exhibitions, including collections related to King Henry IV and the history of Pau. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route chosen.