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Mark & Sholu Tooms
Le Village
Saint-Sever de Rustan



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Price per night:

price from €49






Description for B&B:

Welcome to Maison Bonne La Vie, where Mark and Sholu will ensure that your stay with us is nothing short of exceptional. Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat in our cozy beds and indulging in our delicious homemade breakfasts served in our serene garden, or exploring the charming attractions of the village such as the picturesque banks of the river Arros with its picnic tables and the ancient 12th century abbey, we have it all covered.

For dining options, you can either savor the local flavors at the bistro du pays or allow us to prepare a delectable evening meal for you (please provide us with a 24-hour notice).

Our accommodation options include four inviting rooms: The Pink Room, a delightful double room; The Blue Room, a comfortable twin room; The Suite, which can accommodate 2-4 guests and offers a charming garden view along with private facilities; and The Library, a cozy single room with bathroom facilities located downstairs.

In addition, guests have access to our salon and dining room whenever needed, as well as WiFi, a library stocked with books and DVDs, and the option to enjoy television programs in English, French, or German.

If you're arriving at Tarbes train station, or at Pau or Lourdes airports, we are more than happy to arrange transportation for you. Your comfort and enjoyment are our top priorities at Maison Bonne La Vie.


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To get to Abbey St Sever de Rustan from exit A64, follow these directions:

1. After passing through the toll gate, take the second exit at the roundabout towards Tournay.
2. Drive for about a mile until you reach another roundabout. Take the second exit onto Bordes, Abbey St Sever de Rustan will be indicated.
3. Follow the signs for the abbey and/ or Villecomtal from here.
4. After approximately 3km, make a right turn at the board.
5. Take a right at the store and continue for about 200m.
6. At the next roundabout, take the second exit towards Villecomtal.
7. Stay on this road for about 15 miles until you reach a village called Chelle Debate.
8. Once you cross a small bridge near the church, take the first left.
9. Continue until you reach a Stop sign, where you'll see a bistro called the Old Country Inn diagonally across from you.
10. Go straight for about 8 km towards Villecomtal, passing through the village of Laméac.
11. St Sever is approximately 3 km after Laméac. At the crossroads at the entrance to St Sever, turn left.
12. We are the second house on the right, identifiable by the blue shutters.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: + 1 single room at €39
Notes: suite 2-4 people


Animals Allowed


  • Grottes de Médous: Located in Asté, approximately 5 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan, the Grottes de Médous are a series of stunning caves. Visitors can explore the underground chambers and admire the impressive stalactites and stalagmites formed over thousands of years.
  • Château de Montaner: Situated in Montaner, about 10 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan, the Château de Montaner is a medieval fortress with a rich history. The castle offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and features a museum displaying artifacts from the Middle Ages.
  • Abbaye de l'Escaladieu: This former Cistercian monastery is located in Bonnemazon, approximately 15 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan. The Abbaye de l'Escaladieu is renowned for its impressive Gothic architecture and serene atmosphere. Visitors can explore the ruins, stroll through the gardens, and learn about the abbey's history.
  • Lac de Saint-Pée: Situated in the village of Saint-Pée, around 20 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan, Lac de Saint-Pée is a picturesque lake surrounded by lush greenery. It offers various recreational activities, including swimming, fishing, and hiking trails, making it a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Musée Massey: Located in Tarbes, approximately 25 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan, the Musée Massey is a beautiful art museum housed in a neoclassical mansion. It showcases an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts, including works by renowned artists such as Monet and Rodin.
  • Pic du Midi Observatory: Situated in the French Pyrenees, about 45 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan, the Pic du Midi Observatory is an astronomical observatory perched at an altitude of 2,877 meters. Visitors can take a cable car to the summit and enjoy panoramic views of the Pyrenees, explore the museum, and even observe the stars through powerful telescopes.
  • Lourdes: Located approximately 50 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan, the town of Lourdes is a famous pilgrimage site. It is known for the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, where millions of pilgrims come each year to seek spiritual healing. The town also offers various religious sites, including the Grotto of Massabielle and the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural wonders and historical sites to cultural and spiritual destinations, ensuring there is something for every tourist visiting the area around Saint-Sever de Rustan, France.