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Arlette Arvenne
Montignac Charente



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Price per night:

price from €40






Description for B&B:

1 bedroom with either one king-size bed (180 cm) or two twin beds (90 cm each).


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 40 45 300 350


Animals Allowed


  • Angoulême (25 km): Angoulême is a historic city known for its stunning architecture and rich cultural heritage. The city features beautiful medieval ramparts, the Saint-Pierre Cathedral, the Museum of Angoulême, and the International Comics Festival.
  • Cognac (45 km): Cognac is famous for its production of the world-renowned brandy. Visitors can explore the prestigious Cognac houses, such as Hennessy and Rémy Martin, and learn about the distillation process. The town also offers charming streets, the Château de Cognac, and the Musée des Arts du Cognac.
  • Brantôme (70 km): Brantôme is a picturesque town often referred to as the "Venice of Périgord." Nestled on the banks of the Dronne River, it is known for its beautiful abbey, the Abbey of Saint-Pierre, which dates back to the 8th century. Visitors can also enjoy boating, hiking, and exploring the charming streets and shops.
  • La Rochelle (120 km): Located on the Atlantic coast, La Rochelle is a historic port city with a vibrant atmosphere. The city offers stunning architecture, including the Porte de la Grosse Horloge and the Saint-Nicolas Tower. Visitors can also enjoy the beautiful beaches, the historic Vieux Port, and the renowned Aquarium La Rochelle.
  • Bordeaux (125 km): Bordeaux is a UNESCO World Heritage city renowned for its exceptional wine production and elegant architecture. Visitors can explore the historic center, featuring the Place de la Bourse and the Grand Théâtre. Additionally, wine enthusiasts can enjoy wine tastings and tours at the numerous prestigious vineyards in the region.
  • Périgueux (80 km): Périgueux is a charming town renowned for its well-preserved Roman ruins and medieval architecture. The town's highlights include the Cathédrale Saint-Front, the Vesunna Gallo-Roman Museum, and the charming old town with its narrow streets and traditional markets.
  • Saint-Émilion (85 km): Saint-Émilion is a picturesque village famous for its exquisite vineyards and wine production. The village boasts charming cobblestone streets, medieval architecture, and the iconic Monolithic Church, carved entirely out of limestone. Visitors can explore the vineyards, enjoy wine tastings, and soak in the enchanting ambiance.
  • Rochefort (135 km): Rochefort is a coastal town known for its maritime heritage. Visitors can explore the Corderie Royale, a former naval rope factory turned museum, as well as the Musée National de la Marine. Rochefort also offers beautiful beaches, the historic Arsenal des Mers, and the nearby Fort Boyard, featured in the popular TV show. These attractions near Chebrac, Montignac Charente, offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic cities to indulging in wine tastings and enjoying coastal beauty.