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Claudie Gereec


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

Step into a world of relaxation and tranquility, where every detail is meticulously designed to ensure your comfort and peace. The atmosphere exudes serenity and gentleness, providing a soothing environment for your stay. The bright and inviting decor, as well as the thoughtful amenities, are all tailored to enhance your well-being.

Situated in the heart of Brittany, our location is perfect for those who wish to explore the department. Whether you are a nature lover, a passionate hiker, or interested in discovering the architectural heritage and parish enclosures, our hotel will appeal to your preferences. Additionally, for beach enthusiasts, the coastal attractions with their numerous beaches are easily accessible.

There are activities to suit every taste, and you can find all the necessary information in the documentation provided in your room. La Douce Bracket is also an excellent choice for a romantic weekend getaway or a special occasion celebration. Feel free to contact us to personalize your experience.

With meticulous care and attention to detail, our spacious guest room is designed to impress. It offers a tranquil ambiance and ensures a high-quality experience for a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Description for Gite

- Enjoy the convenience of enclosed private parking during your stay.
- Relax on the terrace furnished with wooden garden furniture, sunbeds, and outdoor lighting.
- The room features a comfortable king bed with new, high-quality bedding and organic duvet and pillows (certified organic label). The bedding is washed with organic detergent. You'll also find bedside tables, lamps, and a T.V. with TNT channels.
- Need to work or surf the web? Take advantage of the small office space provided, complete with free internet access.
- Freshen up in the bathroom equipped with a spacious shower, sink, hair dryer, and towels.
- There's a separate toilet for your convenience.
- Prepare your own breakfast in the small kitchen area, fully equipped with a coffee maker, electric kettle, toaster, and breakfast dishes. We offer a selection of local produce and homemade jams for a delightful start to your day.
- A variety of magazines are available for your leisurely reading.


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To inquire about availability or make reservations, kindly reach out to us at:

GEREEC Claudie and Gilbert
Guirhouel, Plouneour
29410-Lead, Finistere - France



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 60 70 5
Holiday Home 1 70 80 5




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  • Ménez-Hom: Situated in Plouneour-menez, Ménez-Hom is a prominent mountain with historical significance. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and the Bay of Douarnenez. The area is popular among hikers, paragliders, and nature enthusiasts.
  • Armorique Natural Regional Park: This expansive nature reserve is situated near Guirhouël and covers a vast area of over 125,000 hectares. It encompasses diverse ecosystems, including forests, moorland, rivers, and coastal areas. Visitors can enjoy activities such as hiking, cycling, wildlife spotting, and exploring picturesque villages.
  • Cairn of Barnenez: Located on the Bay of Morlaix, near Plouneour-menez, the Cairn of Barnenez is one of Europe's oldest megalithic monuments. Dating back to around 4500 BC, it consists of burial chambers and passageways, offering a fascinating glimpse into ancient history.
  • Château de Kerjean: Situated in Saint-Vougay, not far from Guirhouël, Château de Kerjean is a beautifully preserved Renaissance-style castle. It features stunning architecture, elegant gardens, and offers guided tours showcasing its rich history and cultural significance.
  • Morlaix: A charming town located near Plouneour-menez, Morlaix is renowned for its picturesque old town, known as the Viaduct District. This area features half-timbered houses, narrow cobblestone streets, and the iconic Viaduct of Morlaix, offering a captivating blend of history and charm.
  • Bay of Morlaix: Situated along the coast near Guirhouël, the Bay of Morlaix is a natural haven of stunning beaches, islands, and scenic landscapes. Visitors can explore the charming fishing village of Roscoff, take boat trips to nearby islands like Île de Batz, or simply relax and enjoy the beauty of the coastline.
  • Menez-Hom Wind Farm: Located near Plouneour-menez, the Menez-Hom Wind Farm is an impressive sight to behold. It consists of numerous wind turbines spread across the landscape, harnessing renewable energy and offering a unique blend of modern technology amid the natural beauty of the region. These attractions near Guirhouël and Plouneour-menez provide a diverse range of experiences, from natural wonders and historical sites to cultural landmarks and breathtaking landscapes.