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Christiane Pedeau
16 Rue du Meix de La Vigne


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Price per night:

price from €82




Description for B&B:

Colors in Burgundy presents 5 contemporary and opulent accommodations, each equipped with a lavish shower and WC.


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"The Colors of Burgundy" can be found at 16 rue du Meix vine, Prenois 21370. You can reach them at 06 74 42 95 33. To get there, head to the bottom of the village of Prenois and take the first left at the exit. Then, take a right turn.



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  • Circuit Dijon-Prenois: Located just a short distance from your address, Circuit Dijon-Prenois is a famous racetrack that has hosted numerous motorsport events since its opening in 1972. Visitors can enjoy watching thrilling races or even participate in driving experiences on this iconic track.
  • Dijon: The historic city of Dijon is approximately 15 kilometers away from your location. Known for its well-preserved medieval and Renaissance architecture, Dijon offers attractions such as the Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy, Dijon Cathedral, and the charming Rue des Forges. Don't forget to try the city's famous mustard and explore the local gastronomy.
  • Musee de la Vie Bourguignonne: Situated in Dijon, this museum showcases the traditional way of life in Burgundy. Visitors can explore exhibits displaying traditional costumes, furniture, crafts, and agricultural tools, providing insights into the region's rich cultural heritage.
  • Chateau de Gilly-les-Citeaux: Located in Gilly-les-Citeaux, approximately 20 kilometers away, this stunning castle turned hotel dates back to the 14th century. Visitors can enjoy a guided tour of the castle, stroll through its beautiful gardens, and even indulge in a gourmet meal or wine tasting at the on-site restaurant.
  • Abbey of Citeaux: Situated near Gilly-les-Citeaux, the Abbey of Citeaux is a Cistercian monastery founded in 1098. Visitors can explore the tranquil grounds, admire the impressive architecture, and learn about the history of this influential religious site.
  • Chateau de Chateauneuf-en-Auxois: This fortified castle, located around 30 kilometers from your address, stands proudly on a hilltop overlooking the picturesque village of Chateauneuf-en-Auxois. Visitors can take a guided tour of the castle, appreciate the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, and wander through the charming streets of the village.
  • Beaune: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away, Beaune is a charming town renowned for its historic wine production and impressive medieval architecture. Visitors can explore the Hospices de Beaune, a former hospital turned museum, stroll through the old town's cobbled streets, and sample some of the world-famous Burgundy wines.
  • Clos de Vougeot: Located around 50 kilometers from your address, Clos de Vougeot is a historic vineyard and winery in the heart of the Burgundy wine region. Visitors can take a guided tour of the vineyard, learn about the winemaking process, and taste some of the region's finest wines.
  • Fontenay Abbey: Situated approximately 60 kilometers away, Fontenay Abbey is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the oldest Cistercian abbeys in Europe. Visitors can explore the well-preserved buildings, including the church, cloisters, and gardens, and appreciate the peaceful ambiance of this architectural gem. 10. Alesia: Located around 65 kilometers from your address, Alesia is an ancient Gallo-Roman archaeological site that marks the famous battle between Julius Caesar and the Gauls in 52 BC. Visitors can explore the museum, watch reenactments, and learn about this significant historical event.

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