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Valérie Guineberteau
45 Rue Hélène Boucher


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70




Description for B&B:

Sant-Exupery - Experience the charm of our spacious ensuite room, adorned in pure white and exuding a romantic ambiance. This room offers a generously sized bathroom for your utmost comfort. Stay connected with our high-speed wifi and enjoy your favorite shows on the television provided.

Hélène Boucher - Immerse yourself in the elegance of our lovely room, tastefully decorated in a combination of white and grey tones. The romantic atmosphere is further enhanced by the stylish bathroom. Take advantage of our wifi connection to stay connected and unwind while watching television in the room.


Appréciations pour La Grange D'Hélène à 15 minutes du Puy du Fou, Cholet:

La grange d Helene
Review by: HOMBURGER, Juin 7 2024 4:33PM
Valerie accueille ses hôtes très chaleureusement et avec beaucoup de raffinement. Tout est merveilleusement organisé pour que notre séjour reste un beau moment. Valerie est pleine d attentions et nous ouvre sa maison avec le meilleur. Chambre et petit déjeuner magnifique, havre de tranquillité. Je ne manquerai pas de revenir et transmettre cette belle adresse. Merci Valérie pour ce délicieux cookie mais qui a fait le bonheur de ma pause. À bientôt.

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Le Puy du Fou is just a 15-minute drive away.



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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 80 oui


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  • Parc de Moine: Located just a short distance from Rue Hélène Boucher, Parc de Moine is a beautiful green space offering various recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy walking trails, picnic areas, a lake, and even a mini-golf course.
  • Musée d'Art et d'Histoire: This museum showcases a diverse collection of art and historical artifacts, providing insight into the history and culture of Cholet. From paintings and sculptures to archaeological finds, the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire offers a fascinating journey through time.
  • Puy du Fou: Approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Cholet lies Puy du Fou, a world-renowned historical theme park. Puy du Fou offers spectacular shows and immersive experiences that take visitors on a journey through various eras, including Roman times, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.
  • Château de Tiffauges: Situated around 25 kilometers southeast of Cholet, the Château de Tiffauges is an impressive medieval fortress. Known as the "Castle of Bluebeard," it offers guided tours, reenactments, and exhibitions, providing a glimpse into the medieval history of the region.
  • Parc Oriental de Maulévrier: Located approximately 20 kilometers north of Cholet, this Japanese-inspired garden is the largest of its kind in Europe. The Parc Oriental de Maulévrier features stunning landscapes, traditional architecture, and serene ponds, making it a peaceful and picturesque place to visit.
  • Abbaye de Fontevraud: Situated about 60 kilometers southeast of Cholet, the Abbaye de Fontevraud is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This former abbey is now a cultural center that hosts exhibitions, concerts, and other events. Visitors can explore the abbey's magnificent architecture and learn about its rich history.
  • Château de Brissac: Located approximately 80 kilometers northeast of Cholet, the Château de Brissac is the tallest castle in France. It offers guided tours that take visitors through its opulent rooms, beautiful gardens, and even a theater. The castle also hosts special events, including wine tastings and outdoor concerts.
  • Château de Saumur: Situated around 70 kilometers southeast of Cholet, the Château de Saumur overlooks the Loire River. This impressive fortress dates back to the 10th century and now houses a museum dedicated to the region's equestrian heritage. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, enjoy panoramic views, and learn about the art of horsemanship.
  • Parc de la Vallée: Located in Clisson, approximately 30 kilometers south of Cholet, Parc de la Vallée is a family-friendly amusement and water park. It offers a variety of rides, water slides, and pools, providing entertainment for visitors of all ages on hot summer days. 10. Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers: Situated around 70 kilometers northeast of Cholet, the Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers is a stunning example of French Gothic architecture. This cathedral features beautiful stained glass windows and houses the famous Apocalypse Tapestry, the largest medieval tapestry ensemble in the world. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring there is something for everyone near Rue Hélène Boucher in Cholet, France.