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Marie Jose Terrade
Rue des Romains Villars


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

The Sawadee room offers a comfortable stay with a 140 cm double bed. The Karibu room provides a spacious experience with a 160 cm double bed. Our Welcome 2 bedroom family suite features an adjoining 140 cm bed, along with two additional beds measuring 90 cm each. All of our rooms come equipped with a shower room and WC for your convenience.

Description for Gite

Experience the freedom and privacy of our enchanting self-contained gite, nestled within a beautifully renovated rubble barn. With its irresistible charm, this accommodation is perfect for up to six guests, boasting three cozy bedrooms and two modern bathrooms. Unwind in the spacious living room, featuring a charming chemeinée for a truly atmospheric ambiance. Step outside onto the terrace and discover your own secluded courtyard, offering a serene and peaceful retreat.


Appréciations pour L'en Haut des Vignes, Merignac:

Très belle propriété
Review by: Carole Louërat, Juin 14 2019 3:41PM
Agréable séjour très belle demeure propriétaires charmant ,super propre ,très calme à recommander
Lieu unique
Review by: PINEAU, Avr 27 2017 2:13PM
Nous avons découvert ce lieu unique que nous recommandons.
Très belle demeure, hôtes très sympathiques, dîner et petit déjeuner parfaits.
Chambre très spacieuse et literie excellente. Lieu très calme propice à la détente. Que du bonheur. Merci à Marie-Jo et à Didier. Nous reviendrons.

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Head towards Jarnac while going from Cognac to the exit of Angouleme. Once you pass through the village of Malviellle Merignac, continue until you reach the village head of Villars.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 25 oui
(3 pers.)
1 95 25 oui
Holiday Home 6 350 790 non


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Chateau de Villars: Located in the village of Villars, this stunning medieval castle dates back to the 13th century. Visitors can explore its well-preserved architecture, including its defensive towers and moat, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Grotte de Villars: Situated near the Chateau de Villars, this natural limestone cave is renowned for its impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations. Guided tours take visitors through its vast chambers, highlighting the unique geological features and providing insight into the cave's formation.
  • Vieux Merignac: This charming old town area in Merignac offers a glimpse into the region's history and architecture. With its narrow streets, traditional houses, and quaint shops, it's a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll and a taste of local culture.
  • Chateau de La Rochefoucauld: Located about 15 kilometers from Merignac, this Renaissance castle is a must-visit for history buffs. It boasts a beautiful façade, elegant gardens, and an extensive art collection. Guided tours provide insight into the castle's intriguing past.
  • Cognac Distilleries: Just a short drive from Merignac, the town of Cognac is famous for its production of the world-renowned spirit. Visitors can tour various distilleries, such as Hennessy or Martell, to learn about the distillation process and sample different Cognac varieties.
  • Angouleme: Approximately 40 kilometers from Merignac, Angouleme is a historic city known for its medieval ramparts and impressive Cathedral of Saint-Pierre. The city offers a blend of architectural gems, museums, and vibrant street art, making it a captivating destination for culture enthusiasts.
  • Les Antilles de Jonzac: Situated around 80 kilometers from Merignac, this tropical-themed water park offers a variety of indoor and outdoor pools, water slides, and wellness facilities. It's a fantastic place for families to enjoy a day of fun and relaxation.
  • La Palmyre Zoo: Located near the seaside town of Royan, approximately 100 kilometers from Merignac, this zoo is one of the most popular attractions in the region. Home to over 1,600 animals from around the world, visitors can observe species such as giraffes, lions, and elephants in spacious enclosures.
  • Bordeaux: As the capital of the region, Bordeaux is a vibrant city with numerous tourist attractions. From the historic center, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, to its renowned vineyards and wine museums, Bordeaux offers a rich cultural experience and is easily accessible from Merignac. Note: Distances provided are approximate and may vary based on specific starting points and modes of transportation.