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Joelle Leroy
251 chemin d'Arié


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Price per night:

price from €86






Description for B&B:

We have two guest rooms available for your comfort. The first room, LEtable, is located on the ground floor and can accommodate two people. The second room, Aux Iris, is situated on the upper floor and also accommodates two people. Both rooms come with en suite bathrooms, equipped with Italian showers and WCs. Enjoy a delicious breakfast served in our dining room or, weather permitting, in our charming garden. Additionally, we offer the option to dine with us at our table dhôtes if you desire.

Description for Gite

Situated next to our house, the gîte "L'Écurie chez Mimosa" offers a spacious 50 m² living space. On the ground floor, you will find a cozy living room with a well-equipped kitchen and a convenient WC. Upstairs, there is a generously sized bedroom with a comfortable double bed (140 cm, accommodating 2 people) and a smaller room with a sofa bed. Additionally, there is a well-appointed bathroom. Step outside and enjoy the charming garden furniture located under a lovely arbor. To enhance your culinary experience, a gas plancha is also available for your use.


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To get to the destination, start by turning onto the road adjacent to the hotel restaurant called "le Relais fleuri" from the RN124. Once on the road, take an immediate left up the hill. Keep driving through the countryside for 2 km, and after crossing a small bridge, turn right onto the first road you encounter. Finally, follow this road until you reach the end where the house is located.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 86 96 516 576 20 5
(3 pers.)
1 114 124 684 744 5
Holiday Home 1 80 90 350 450 70 8


Credit cards accepted


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