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Champlaurier Nieuil


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Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

Champlaurier House, a remarkable 16th century estate, invites guests to experience its rich history and charm. Nestled amidst breathtaking landscapes, this enchanting property offers a selection of cozy cottages and a delightful guest house, all complemented by the serene presence of a picturesque lake.

Description for Gite

This exquisite gite offers a lavish experience with its two beautifully appointed bedrooms. The first bedroom features twin beds and an ensuite shower room, while the second bedroom boasts a comfortable double bed and an ensuite bath. The gite also features a spacious and inviting lounge area, a separate dining area for your enjoyment, and a fully equipped kitchen that is ready to cater to all your culinary needs.


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To get to the destination, follow these revised travel directions:

Head towards Angouleme on the 141 route, making sure to pass through Chabanais and Roumaziere Loubert. Once you reach Fontafie, turn onto the D739 road in the direction of Nieuil. Keep going straight through Nieuil, and you will find the property on the left-hand side, marked by large wooden gates.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60€ oui
Holiday Home 4 400€ 700€




  • Angoulême (Approximately 34 km away) - Angoulême is a historic city famous for its impressive ramparts and picturesque old town. It is known for its stunning cathedral, the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre d'Angoulême, and the Musée de la Bande Dessinée, a museum dedicated to comic art.
  • Oradour-sur-Glane (Approximately 71 km away) - Oradour-sur-Glane is a haunting village frozen in time since its destruction during World War II. The village serves as a memorial to the victims of the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre, offering visitors a unique insight into the tragic events of the war.
  • Cognac (Approximately 45 km away) - Cognac is a charming town famous for its production of the world-renowned Cognac brandy. Visitors can explore Cognac houses, such as Rémy Martin and Hennessy, to learn about the distillation process and enjoy tastings. The town also features the Château des Valois, a medieval castle worth visiting.
  • La Rochefoucauld (Approximately 56 km away) - La Rochefoucauld is a picturesque village known for its magnificent château, the Château de La Rochefoucauld. The castle boasts stunning architecture and beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore its interior, which houses a remarkable collection of antique furniture and artwork.
  • Aubeterre-sur-Dronne (Approximately 43 km away) - Aubeterre-sur-Dronne is officially listed as one of the most beautiful villages in France. It is known for its striking underground church, the Église Saint-Jean, carved out of the rock face. The village also offers charming streets, quaint shops, and the opportunity to relax by the Dronne River.
  • Saint-Emilion (Approximately 82 km away) - Saint-Emilion is a picturesque wine-growing town renowned for its vineyards and historic architecture. The town is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers a unique opportunity to explore underground catacombs, visit ancient monolithic churches, and indulge in wine tastings at prestigious wineries.
  • Limoges (Approximately 70 km away) - Limoges is known for its fine porcelain production. Visitors can explore the Musée National Adrien Dubouché, which showcases a stunning collection of Limoges porcelain. The city's historic center also features beautiful architecture, including the Gothic-style Limoges Cathedral.
  • Brantôme (Approximately 83 km away) - Brantôme is often referred to as the "Venice of the Périgord" due to its charming location on the Dronne River. The town features a picturesque abbey, the Abbey of Saint-Pierre de Brantôme, which dates back to the 8th century. Visitors can enjoy boat rides, explore the caves, and wander through the narrow streets filled with boutique shops and restaurants. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic towns and castles to indulging in cultural and culinary delights.