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Sarah And Daniel Mccormack
7 Rue Du Stade
Mael Carhaix


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Price per night:

price from €44





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Description for B&B:

Chez Nous is located in Mael Carhaix and offers various accommodation options. We have a cozy double room with a lovely view of rue du stade, a peaceful road. This room is equipped with tea and coffee making facilities. Additionally, we have a spacious family room that overlooks our beautiful garden, also providing tea and coffee making facilities. Furthermore, we offer a twin room with garden views and the same tea and coffee facilities. Each room is equipped with a hair dryer for your convenience.

Our guests have access to a shared shower room, which includes a shower, wash basin, and toilet. We also provide a separate washroom with a wash basin and toilet.

Every morning, a continental breakfast is prepared in our kitchen. Guests are welcome to enjoy their breakfast while taking in the tranquility of our garden. If you prefer, you can also take a leisurely walk down into our garden.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our cozy home located on a serene street. Originally intended solely for our personal use, we have now decided to share the beauty of our three rooms on the second floor with guests as a bed and breakfast option.


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When approaching the village on the D11, you will find us located right off the road. Look for the road that is directly across from the Notary Office, and our house is the fourth one on the left. If you are coming from the village center, simply continue down the road past the Mairies office and the garage. Take the second right turn, which is opposite the Notary Office, and our house will be the fourth one on the left.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 44 45
(3 pers.)
1 5500




  • Château de Kergrist-Moëlou: Located about 6 kilometers away, the Château de Kergrist-Moëlou is a stunning medieval castle that dates back to the 14th century. Visitors can explore its well-preserved interiors, including the grand hall, chapel, and beautiful gardens.
  • Abbaye de Bon Repos: Situated around 9 kilometers from Mael Carhaix, the Abbaye de Bon Repos is a former Cistercian abbey founded in the 12th century. Today, it serves as a cultural center and museum, offering exhibitions, concerts, and a scenic canal-side setting.
  • Lac de Guerlédan: Roughly 20 kilometers away, Lac de Guerlédan is a picturesque reservoir surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills. It offers various recreational activities, including boating, swimming, hiking, and picnicking, making it an ideal spot for nature lovers.
  • Musée de l'École de Bothoa: Located approximately 8 kilometers from Mael Carhaix, the Musée de l'École de Bothoa is a unique museum dedicated to the history of traditional Breton schools in the early 20th century. Visitors can explore reconstructed classrooms, view vintage teaching materials, and learn about the educational practices of the past.
  • Menez Bré: Situated about 30 kilometers away, Menez Bré is a prominent hill known for its stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. It offers various walking trails, allowing visitors to enjoy the natural beauty of the area while experiencing a bit of tranquility.
  • Château de Pontivy: Located around 35 kilometers from Mael Carhaix, the Château de Pontivy is an imposing fortress originally built in the 15th century. The castle stands at the heart of the town of Pontivy and offers guided tours, showcasing its rich history and architectural splendor.
  • Les Chaos du Gouët: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away, Les Chaos du Gouët is a series of remarkable rock formations carved by the Gouët River. This natural site offers beautiful walking paths, allowing visitors to admire the unique geological formations and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  • Forêt Domaniale de Coat-an-Noz: Located about 25 kilometers from Mael Carhaix, the Forêt Domaniale de Coat-an-Noz is a vast woodland area that provides excellent opportunities for hiking, biking, and wildlife spotting. It is a perfect destination for nature enthusiasts seeking a peaceful escape. These tourist attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences near 7 Rue Du Stade in Mael Carhaix, France.

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