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4 Imp de l'Aiguille
Saint Saturnin


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

Located amidst the picturesque Charente vineyards, just 8km from Angouleme and 30km from Cognac, there are three charming Bed & Breakfast rooms available. These rooms have been awarded 3 "épis" on the prestigious French Bed & Breakfast label "Gîte de France", with one room specially equipped to cater to the needs of handicapped individuals, earning the "Tourism Handicap" label. Situated in a beautifully restored small farm, these rooms offer a peaceful retreat. Additionally, guests have the unique opportunity to explore the Cognac & Pineau manufacturing facilities at the nearby Maillou's Castle.

Description for Gite

Welcome to the charming "Clos de Chez Caillet" house, nestled within a beautifully restored "Charentaise" farm in a tranquil hamlet. This delightful abode offers the convenience of a single-story layout and a private entrance, ensuring a seamless and independent experience for our guests.


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To reach our location in St Saturnin in Charente, head to Charente (Department 16). We are situated 10km to the west of Angouleme and 28km to the east of Cognac. It takes approximately 1 hour by car to reach us from Bordeaux, Poitiers, and the west coast (Royan). Our house is conveniently accessible via road, specifically 10km from the RN10.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 50 55 Oui
Holiday Home 1 260 430


Disabled Access


  • Château de La Rochefoucauld: Located approximately 10 kilometers east of Saint Saturnin, Château de La Rochefoucauld is a magnificent Renaissance castle. It showcases beautiful architecture, stunning gardens, and offers guided tours that provide insights into its rich history.
  • Abbey Church of Saint-Amant-de-Boixe: Situated about 15 kilometers northwest of Saint Saturnin, this Romanesque abbey church dates back to the 12th century. It features intricate stone carvings and impressive medieval architecture, making it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Angoulême: Located around 20 kilometers southeast of Saint Saturnin, Angoulême is a historic city known for its picturesque old town and its famous International Comics Festival. Explore its narrow streets, visit the impressive Angoulême Cathedral, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of this cultural hub.
  • Cognac: Positioned approximately 35 kilometers southwest of Saint Saturnin, Cognac is renowned for its world-famous brandy. Take a tour of one of the famous Cognac houses such as Hennessy or Rémy Martin, learn about the production process, and indulge in tastings. The city also offers charming streets, historic buildings, and the Musée des Arts du Cognac.
  • Vallée des Singes: Situated about 40 kilometers northeast of Saint Saturnin, Vallée des Singes (Monkey Valley) is a unique animal park. It is home to various species of monkeys living in large, natural enclosures. Visitors can observe the monkeys in a semi-free environment and learn about their conservation.
  • Futuroscope: Located approximately 100 kilometers northwest of Saint Saturnin, Futuroscope is a futuristic theme park near Poitiers. It offers a range of multimedia and immersive experiences, including 3D and 4D shows, virtual reality attractions, and thrilling rides, making it a great destination for families and technology enthusiasts. Please note that the distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the specific starting point in Saint Saturnin.