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Contact Details:


J.C.G. Marguerite
18 Route de la Vallée du Dun
Saint Pierre le Vieux



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50





Description for B&B:

Bottom room: This cozy chamber features a comfortable double bed, a bathtub for a relaxing soak, as well as a private toilet for your convenience.

Small room on the top floor: This charming room offers a cozy double bed, a refreshing shower, and a private toilet for your exclusive use.

Large room on the top floor: This spacious room boasts a luxurious double bed, an invigorating shower, and a private toilet for your utmost comfort and privacy.


Appréciations pour Atelier Green Valley, Saint Pierre le Vieux:

Un coin de paradis
Review by: Leroy-Bodart, Juil 28 2016 6:54PM
Une maison avec une âme, deux hôtes des plus charmants : trois raisons pour s'y arrêter !
J'avais oublié ce qu'est le silence, l'absence totale de bruit, dans une nuit calme et enfin reposante.
Les senteurs des fleurs éparses vous enivrent.
L'âme artistique du lieu nous a attiré; nous n'avons pas été déçus.
Loin des lieux aseptisés et tous identiques des chaînes, voilà un endroit où " l'on vit "!
superbe accueil
Review by: Gonzague de Montferrat, Jan 4 2015 8:07PM
Cette jolie maison en pleine campagne est idéalement située pour découvrir cette belle région. A cela viennent s'ajouter la générosité et la convivialité de ses hôtes, les délicieux petits déjeuners et les somptueux diners concoctés par Jean-Claude, qui, outre ses talents de sculpteur, propose la magie de ses recettes mêlant tradition et créativité.

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To travel between Dieppe and Saint Valery en Caux, you need to pass through the village of BOURG DUN. When you reach the traffic light in BOURG DUN, turn towards Fontaine le Dun. Green Valley is located just 1.5 kilometers away from there.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 50 45 25 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Étretat Cliffs: Located approximately 12 kilometers northwest of Saint Pierre le Vieux, the Étretat Cliffs are a famous natural attraction in Normandy. These stunning white cliffs offer breathtaking views of the English Channel and are known for their unique formations, including the famous "Needle" and "Arch" rocks.
  • Le Havre: Situated about 30 kilometers south of Saint Pierre le Vieux, Le Havre is a bustling port city with a rich maritime history. Visitors can explore the modernist architecture of the city center, visit the André Malraux Museum of Modern Art, or relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Honfleur: Located approximately 35 kilometers northeast of Saint Pierre le Vieux, Honfleur is a picturesque harbor town known for its charming old port, colorful houses, and historic buildings. Visitors can wander through the cobblestone streets, visit art galleries, and enjoy fresh seafood in the waterfront restaurants.
  • Fécamp: Situated about 25 kilometers northwest of Saint Pierre le Vieux, Fécamp is a coastal town famous for its stunning Benedictine Palace. The palace houses a museum where visitors can learn about the history of the Benedictine liqueur and explore the beautiful gardens surrounding the building.
  • Rouen: Located approximately 65 kilometers southeast of Saint Pierre le Vieux, Rouen is the historic capital of Normandy. The city is known for its impressive Gothic cathedral, Notre-Dame de Rouen, and its charming medieval streets. Visitors can also explore the Joan of Arc Museum, which tells the story of the famous French heroine.
  • Dieppe: Situated about 35 kilometers northwest of Saint Pierre le Vieux, Dieppe is a coastal town famous for its pebble beaches and vibrant fishing port. Visitors can explore the historic Château de Dieppe, wander through the narrow streets of the old town, or sample local seafood dishes in one of the charming restaurants.
  • Veules-les-Roses: Located approximately 35 kilometers southwest of Saint Pierre le Vieux, Veules-les-Roses is a picturesque village known for having the smallest river in France. Visitors can stroll along the riverbank, admire the traditional thatched cottages, and relax on the beautiful beach.
  • Jumièges Abbey: Situated about 55 kilometers east of Saint Pierre le Vieux, Jumièges Abbey is a medieval abbey ruin set in a tranquil park overlooking the Seine River. Visitors can explore the remains of the abbey, which dates back to the 7th century, and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  • Varengeville-sur-Mer: Located approximately 15 kilometers northwest of Saint Pierre le Vieux, Varengeville-sur-Mer is a charming village known for its beautiful gardens and stunning sea views. Visitors can visit the Bois des Moutiers, a remarkable Arts and Crafts style garden, or admire the unique stained glass windows of the Saint-Valéry Church. 10. Château d'Arques-la-Bataille: Situated about 20 kilometers northeast of Saint Pierre le Vieux, the Château d'Arques-la-Bataille is a medieval fortress with a rich history. Visitors can explore the well-preserved castle and its grounds, which offer panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.