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Le Village
Campagne D'Armagnac


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price from €200






Description for B&B:

This house offers a single floor with a total of 3 bedrooms. While it may not be considered luxurious, it guarantees a comfortable stay. Additionally, it is surrounded by a picturesque, green park with trees, and is conveniently located near the Pyrenees. To add to the charm, there are two friendly donkeys that provide joy and delight for both the young and old alike.


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After passing through EAUZE, take RN 124 towards MONT DE MARSAN, and then continue onto the D 30.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 7 30 50 200 300


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Montréal: Located in nearby Montréal-du-Gers, this stunning castle dates back to the 13th century and offers guided tours of its historic interior and beautiful gardens.
  • Abbaye de Flaran: Situated in Valence-sur-Baïse, this former Cistercian abbey is now a renowned museum. Visitors can explore the picturesque ruins, art collections, and temporary exhibitions.
  • Eglise Sainte-Quitterie: Found in Aire-sur-l'Adour, this Romanesque church is known for its impressive architecture and historical significance. It houses the relics of Sainte Quitterie, a local martyr.
  • Les Thermes de Barbotan: Located in Cazaubon, this thermal spa is known for its healing mineral waters. Visitors can enjoy a range of wellness treatments, including thermal baths, massages, and beauty therapies.
  • Château de Cassaigne: Situated in Cassaigne, this medieval castle is famous for its vineyards and Armagnac production. Visitors can take guided tours, taste local wines, and learn about the art of distillation.
  • Musée du Liège: Found in Mézin, this unique museum is dedicated to cork and its various uses. It showcases the history, production, and craftsmanship associated with this sustainable material.
  • Circuit Paul Armagnac: Located in Nogaro, this racetrack hosts various motorsport events throughout the year. Visitors can witness thrilling races or even experience driving on the track themselves.
  • Château de Lavardens: Situated in Lavardens, this well-preserved medieval castle offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. It also houses contemporary art exhibitions and hosts cultural events.
  • Lac de l'Uby: Found in Cazaubon, this picturesque lake is perfect for outdoor activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating. There are also picnic areas and walking trails along the shoreline. 10. Les Jardins de Coursiana: Located in La Romieu, these beautiful gardens feature a diverse range of flora, including rare plants and aromatic herbs. Visitors can enjoy peaceful walks amidst stunning landscapes. These tourist attractions near Le Village, Campagne D'Armagnac, offer a mix of historical, cultural, natural, and recreational experiences for visitors to enjoy.