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Didier Veron
Cosquer Boulou


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for Gite

This charming gite features a fully equipped kitchen, although it does not include a dishwasher. The cozy living space includes a room with a comfortable 140 bed. In addition, the bathroom is equipped with a sink and a spacious shower area that also doubles as a sofa bed.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 50




  • Abbaye de Bon Repos: Located in nearby Saint-Gelven, Abbaye de Bon Repos is a beautiful Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century. It offers stunning architecture, tranquil gardens, and hosts various cultural events and exhibitions.
  • Lac de Guerlédan: Situated in Mur-de-Bretagne, this man-made lake is one of the largest in Brittany. It offers a range of water activities such as boating, kayaking, and swimming, as well as scenic walking trails and picnic areas.
  • Forges des Salles: Found in Plémet, Forges des Salles is a fascinating open-air museum showcasing the history of iron forging. Visitors can explore ancient workshops, see demonstrations of traditional blacksmithing, and learn about the area's industrial heritage.
  • Josselin Castle: Located in the town of Josselin, this impressive medieval fortress is a must-visit. It features stunning Gothic architecture, beautiful gardens, and houses the Museum of Dolls and Old Toys.
  • Church of Saint-Nicodème: Situated in Mellionnec itself, the Church of Saint-Nicodème is a charming Romanesque church. It boasts intricate carvings, colorful stained glass windows, and a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Les Rochers du Diable: Located in Huelgoat, these mystical rock formations are surrounded by a magical forest. Visitors can explore the enchanting landscape, discover hidden caves, and learn about the local legends associated with the area.
  • Saint-Brieuc: A vibrant city just a short drive away, Saint-Brieuc offers a range of attractions. From its historic old town with medieval streets and charming squares to its modern art museum and bustling markets, there is something for everyone.
  • Pontivy: Situated on the banks of the River Blavet, Pontivy is a picturesque town with a rich history. Visitors can explore its medieval castle, stroll along the canal, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of its weekly market.
  • Les Chaos du Gouët: Located near Saint-Julien, Les Chaos du Gouët is a natural site featuring impressive granite rock formations and a stunning waterfall. It offers scenic walks and is ideal for nature lovers and photographers. 10. La Trinité-Porhoët: This small village is known for its impressive 13th-century castle, Château de Trécesson. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, wander through its beautiful gardens, and learn about its fascinating history. These tourist attractions near Cosquer Boulou offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical sites and natural wonders to cultural events and outdoor activities.

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