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Prevost Corinne
4 Rue Du Tilleul Hameau De Pierreville
Bacqueville en Caux


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Price per night:

price from €135






Description for B&B:

There is a cozy 1-bedroom space featuring a comfortable double bed, a bathroom, and a separate toilet. Additionally, there is another room available that can accommodate up to 4 individuals, with 1 double bed and 2 single beds, along with a separate shower room and toilet.


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  • Château de Dieppe: Located in the nearby town of Dieppe, this castle is a historical gem. It offers stunning views of the English Channel and houses a museum showcasing the region's maritime history.
  • Jardins Agapanthe: Situated in Grigneuseville, these enchanting gardens are known for their unique and artistic designs. Visitors can wander through a variety of themed gardens, each with its own distinct atmosphere.
  • Varengeville-sur-Mer: A picturesque village renowned for its beautiful gardens and charming architecture. The village is home to several notable attractions, including the Bois des Moutiers, a stunning Arts and Crafts-style house surrounded by impressive gardens.
  • Musée des Pêcheries: Located in Fécamp, this museum offers an immersive experience in the world of fishing. It showcases various artifacts and exhibits related to the area's rich maritime heritage.
  • Parc de Cleres: Situated in the nearby commune of Clères, this zoological park is a perfect destination for nature lovers. It houses a wide range of animal species, including lemurs, flamingos, and kangaroos, in a lush and natural setting.
  • Étretat: A coastal town known for its breathtaking cliffs and stunning natural arches. The town offers picturesque walks along the waterfront and the opportunity to witness some of the most iconic landscapes in Normandy.
  • Château d'Eu: Situated in Eu, this historic castle is a testament to the region's rich past. It features beautifully preserved interiors, extensive gardens, and a fascinating history dating back to the 16th century.
  • Le Tréport: A charming seaside town with a bustling harbor and a lively promenade. Visitors can enjoy fresh seafood, explore the beautiful beaches, or take a ride on the funicular to enjoy panoramic views of the area.
  • Abbaye de Jumièges: Situated in Jumièges, this ancient abbey is one of the oldest and most impressive in France. Its ruins present a striking image, and visitors can explore the remains of the abbey's church, cloisters, and other architectural wonders. 10. Château de Fontaine-Henry: Located in Fontaine-Henry, this fortified castle is surrounded by a moat and beautiful gardens. It offers an immersive experience in medieval history, with well-preserved interiors and informative guided tours.