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Ty Bihan Ar Feunteun
17 Rue De Feunteun Ber


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Price per week:

price from €200






Description for B&B:

This description is for a charming, converted stone house that has been transformed into a cozy, independent cottage. It is perfect for two people and is located just 300 meters away from the village of Scrignac.

The cottage can be rented either by the night for 40 units or by the week, with prices ranging from 200 to 290 units depending on the season. All charges are included in the price.

The Ty Bihan Ar Feunteun gîte offers a comfortable living space on the ground floor, featuring a kitchen area with all the necessary appliances for cooking (stove, fridge, microwave, coffee maker, and electric kettle). It also has a relaxing armchair, a daybed, and a television. Additionally, there is a bathroom with a shower, sink, and toilet on this floor.

Upstairs, you will find a charming bedroom with a spacious 160 x 200 cm bed. The cottage also provides free and unlimited WIFI and electric heating for your convenience. Bed linen and towels are provided as well.

The surrounding environment is very peaceful, making it an ideal lodging choice for hikers, professionals on the move, or those simply seeking a short break in Brittany. The cocooning atmosphere of this pied-à-terre will surely be appreciated.

The cottage is conveniently located 4 km away from the Green Way n ° 7, which is part of the Vélodyssée cycling route. It is also just 25 km from the cities of Morlaix and Carhaix, 15 minutes from Huelgoat and its legendary forest, 20 minutes from the heart of Monts d'Arrée, and 30 minutes from the sea.

Regardless of the season, the cottage is open for bookings throughout the year.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 40 200 290




  • Huelgoat Forest: Located approximately 11 kilometers south of Scrignac, Huelgoat Forest is a picturesque woodland known for its stunning rock formations, including the famous Trembling Rock and the Devil's Cave. Visitors can enjoy peaceful walks, hiking trails, and picnic spots amidst the natural beauty of the forest.
  • Morlaix: Situated around 22 kilometers northwest of Scrignac, Morlaix is a charming medieval town renowned for its half-timbered houses and the viaduct that spans the river. The town offers a variety of attractions, including the Maison à Pondalez (a historic house), the Church of Saint-Melaine, and the Jacobins Fountain. Strolling through Morlaix's narrow streets and exploring its bustling markets is a delightful experience.
  • Monts d'Arrée: Located about 25 kilometers southwest of Scrignac, the Monts d'Arrée is a mountain range within the Armorique Regional Natural Park. This scenic area offers breathtaking landscapes, including moorland, heather-covered hills, and stunning views from the summit of Roc'h Ruz. The region is perfect for hiking, birdwatching, and nature enthusiasts.
  • Château de Trévarez: Situated approximately 40 kilometers south of Scrignac, Château de Trévarez is an impressive castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. Built in the early 20th century, the castle blends various architectural styles and offers guided tours. The extensive gardens feature colorful flowerbeds, a rose garden, and a vast park, making it an ideal place for a leisurely stroll.
  • Armorica Regional Natural Park: Stretching across various regions, including Finistère where Scrignac is located, the Armorica Regional Natural Park encompasses diverse landscapes, including rugged coastline, granite cliffs, and picturesque countryside. Visitors can enjoy activities such as hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting while exploring the park's numerous trails and protected areas.
  • Locquirec: Situated approximately 40 kilometers northeast of Scrignac, Locquirec is a charming coastal town known for its sandy beaches, picturesque harbor, and colorful waterfront houses. The town offers various water activities, such as sailing and kayaking, and its promenade offers stunning views of the bay and the Île de Batz.
  • Quimper: Located around 60 kilometers southwest of Scrignac, Quimper is a historic city renowned for its well-preserved medieval center. The city is famous for its beautiful Cathedral of Saint-Corentin, the picturesque streets lined with timber-framed houses, and the Museum of Fine Arts. Quimper is also known for its traditional pottery, and visitors can explore workshops and galleries showcasing this art. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring natural wonders to immersing oneself in history and culture.