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Isabelle Hausammann
Route de Toulon
Le Luc en Provence



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Price per night:

price from €145




Description for B&B:

La Grande Lauzade is a historical property located in Provence, France. The house was built in the 18th century on the grounds of a former monastery that dates back to the 12th century, and was inhabited even earlier during Gallo-Roman times. The original monastery was renowned throughout the region but was destroyed during the French Revolution and subsequently sold by the State. The current house was constructed using the original stones and stands as a testament to the property's rich history.

Today, La Grande Lauzade operates as a charming guest house known as Charming Guest House La Grande Lauzade B&B. Surrounded by vineyards that still produce the famous Lauzade wine, the guest house offers access to multiple levels of gardens for guests' enjoyment. The pool deck, situated beneath the shade of "platane" trees and adjacent to a 6-person jacuzzi, provides a relaxing retreat. The large cedar tree in the lower garden offers protection from the sun.

Inside the house, guests can take advantage of the fitness room equipped with a power plate, sauna, and a billiard lounge. The basement houses an impressive indoor heated pool.

Located in the picturesque region of Provence in the South of France, La Grande Lauzade is near the beautiful and protected "plaine des Maures" as well as the stunning and untamed landscapes of "le haut Var."


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The Guest House "La Grande Lauzade" can be found in the southern region of France (Var), in Provence. It is situated along the D(N)97 road, between Le Luc and Gonfaron, in close proximity to the picturesque Plaine des Maures. Getting to our guest house by car is convenient if you take the A8 highway. Simply exit at "Le Luc" if you are traveling from Toulon, Aix, or Nice. Rest assured, we will provide you with detailed directions prior to your arrival.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 145 210 1015 1260 50 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Le Luc en Provence: This charming town in the Var department of Provence offers a peaceful atmosphere and picturesque streets lined with traditional houses. Explore the local shops, cafes, and the beautiful Church of Saint Andrew.
  • Thoronet Abbey: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Le Luc en Provence, Thoronet Abbey is a stunning Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Admire its elegant architecture, serene cloisters, and attend Gregorian chant concerts held in the abbey.
  • Saint-Tropez: Situated around 35 kilometers from Le Luc en Provence, Saint-Tropez is a glamorous coastal town renowned for its luxury yachts, upscale boutiques, and vibrant nightlife. Visit the charming old town, explore the sandy beaches, and soak up the glamorous atmosphere.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe," the Gorges du Verdon is a breathtaking natural wonder located approximately 70 kilometers from Le Luc en Provence. Enjoy hiking, kayaking, or simply marvel at the turquoise waters and towering cliffs.
  • Aix-en-Provence: A vibrant city renowned for its artistic heritage, Aix-en-Provence is around 85 kilometers from Le Luc en Provence. Explore the picturesque streets, visit the famous Cours Mirabeau, and admire the stunning architecture, including the Cathedral of the Holy Saviour.
  • Marseille: Located approximately 100 kilometers from Le Luc en Provence, Marseille is a bustling port city filled with historical sites and vibrant energy. Visit the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde, stroll along the Old Port, and explore the charming neighborhood of Le Panier.
  • Cannes: Situated around 90 kilometers from Le Luc en Provence, Cannes is famous for its glamorous film festival and luxurious lifestyle. Enjoy the sandy beaches, explore the chic boutiques along La Croisette, and soak up the glitz and glamour of this renowned coastal town.
  • Port Grimaud: Located around 50 kilometers from Le Luc en Provence, Port Grimaud is a charming Provençal village built in the style of Venice. Admire the colorful houses, explore the canals by boat, and relax in the picturesque squares and waterfront cafes.
  • Grasse: Known as the perfume capital of the world, Grasse is approximately 65 kilometers from Le Luc en Provence. Visit the famous perfumeries, such as Fragonard or Molinard, learn about the history of fragrance, and explore the charming old town. 10. Saint-Paul-de-Vence: Situated around 90 kilometers from Le Luc en Provence, Saint-Paul-de-Vence is a medieval hilltop village known for its artistic heritage. Explore the narrow streets lined with art galleries, visit the Fondation Maeght, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.