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Herbel Olivier
Route de Calvi



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Price per night:

price from €110






Description for B&B:

Welcome to Villa Limone, situated in the charming town of Calenzana in the heart of the scenic Balagne region. Perfectly positioned between Calenzana and Calvi, our delightful house offers an ideal location, nestled between the majestic mountains and the sparkling sea.
Immerse yourself in the lush green surroundings adorned with lemon, orange, and olive trees, creating a refreshing contrast to the typical Corsican maquis. From the comfort of our terrace, you will be captivated by the awe-inspiring view of the picturesque bay of Calvi, adding an enchanting touch to your entire stay.
Embark on a memorable journey of discovery at Villa Limone.


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(2 pers.)
4 110 199


Swimming Pool


  • Calvi Citadel: Located in the town of Calvi, the Citadel is a historic fortress that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding area. It is a well-preserved example of military architecture and houses several interesting museums and shops.
  • Calvi Beach: Situated on the northwest coast of Corsica, Calvi Beach is known for its crystal-clear waters and fine white sand. It is a popular spot for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports, and offers a vibrant beach atmosphere with numerous bars and restaurants.
  • GR20: The GR20 is a famous long-distance hiking trail that starts in Calenzana and traverses through the rugged mountains of Corsica. It is considered one of the most challenging treks in Europe, offering stunning natural landscapes and panoramic views for adventurous hikers.
  • Scandola Nature Reserve: Located approximately 30 kilometers southwest of Calvi, the Scandola Nature Reserve is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This protected area is known for its dramatic cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and rich marine biodiversity, making it a popular spot for boat tours and snorkeling.
  • Bonifato Forest: Situated just outside of Calenzana, the Bonifato Forest is a tranquil natural park with numerous hiking trails. It is a great place for nature lovers to explore Corsica's diverse flora and fauna, including ancient pine trees, waterfalls, and stunning viewpoints.
  • Calvi Cathedral: The Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Calvi is an impressive 13th-century cathedral located in the heart of Calvi. It features a beautiful baroque interior and is a significant religious and architectural landmark in the region.
  • Chapelle de Notre Dame de la Serra: Overlooking Calvi, the Chapelle de Notre Dame de la Serra is a small chapel perched on a hilltop. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the town, the coastline, and the mountains while exploring this peaceful and picturesque spot.
  • Lumio Village: Situated just a short drive south from Calenzana, Lumio is a charming hilltop village known for its narrow streets, traditional stone houses, and stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. It offers a peaceful atmosphere and is an ideal place to experience the authentic Corsican way of life.
  • Aiguilles de Bavella: Located approximately 100 kilometers southeast of Calvi, the Aiguilles de Bavella are a series of striking granite peaks in the Corsican Mountains. This natural wonder provides opportunities for hiking, rock climbing, and admiring breathtaking vistas of the Corsican landscape. 10. Fango Valley: Situated to the northeast of Calvi, the Fango Valley is a protected natural reserve known for its pristine rivers, waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. Visitors can enjoy hiking, swimming in natural pools, and exploring the picturesque surroundings while being immersed in Corsica's natural beauty.