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Allée des Ormeaux


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price from €350




Description for Gite

Experience the ultimate luxury in our exquisite 35m² chalets. These meticulously designed accommodations boast a spacious living room adorned with a comfortable sofa, a state-of-the-art TV, and a dining area with a stylish table and chairs. The fully-equipped corner kitchen features top-of-the-line appliances including a fridge, electric oven, microwave, coffee maker, electric rings, and a complete set of crockery. Retreat to the tranquil parental bedroom, complete with a cozy 140x190 double bed, while the children's bedroom offers delightful 90x190 bunk beds. Indulge in the convenience of a modern bathroom, complete with a toilet, shower, and sink. Step outside and embrace the serenity of the surroundings with our garden furniture, which includes a barbecue for delightful outdoor grilling, two comfortable sun beds for ultimate relaxation, and a table and chairs for alfresco dining.


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Holiday Home 11 50 80 350 560


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  • Parc de la Ténarèze: Situated just a short distance from Allée des Ormeaux, this park offers a peaceful retreat for nature lovers. It features lush greenery, walking trails, picnic areas, and a children's playground, making it an ideal spot for a family outing.
  • Église Sainte-Marie de Plaisance: This stunning church, built in the 15th century, is a must-visit for those interested in religious and architectural history. The church boasts impressive stained glass windows, intricate woodwork, and a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Musée d'Artagnan: Located in the nearby town of Lupiac, this museum is dedicated to the legendary musketeer d'Artagnan. Visitors can explore exhibits showcasing historical artifacts, learn about the life of d'Artagnan, and discover the impact of The Three Musketeers on popular culture.
  • Abbaye de Flaran: Situated in Valence-sur-Baïse, a short drive from Plaisance, this Cistercian abbey is a significant cultural and historical site. Visitors can admire the abbey's stunning architecture, explore the beautiful gardens, and visit the art museum housed within its walls.
  • Lac de l'Uby: Nature enthusiasts and water sports enthusiasts will enjoy a visit to this picturesque lake. Located near Cazaubon, it offers opportunities for swimming, fishing, boating, and hiking along its scenic shores.
  • Musée du Liège: In Mézin, a charming village close to Plaisance, this museum showcases the history and craftsmanship of cork. Visitors can learn about the cork industry, see various cork products, and even try their hand at crafting with cork.
  • Circuit Paul Armagnac: Motorsport enthusiasts will appreciate a trip to this renowned racetrack in Nogaro. Home to various racing events, including the famous Grand Prix of Nogaro, visitors can witness thrilling races or even participate in driving experiences.
  • Château de Cassaigne: Located near Auch, this medieval castle is known for its vineyards and Armagnac production. Visitors can take guided tours of the castle, explore the vineyards, and indulge in wine tastings to experience the rich heritage of the region. 10. Les Thermes de Barbotan: Situated in Cazaubon, this spa complex offers relaxation and wellness treatments. Visitors can enjoy thermal baths, massages, and various therapies, making it the perfect place to unwind and rejuvenate.