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74 Sente aux Chênes
Ste Opportune la Mare


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Price per night:

price from €74






Description for B&B:

Located in the beautiful region of Normandie, this charming bed and breakfast is nestled between the picturesque towns of Honfleur and Etretat. Surrounded by a vast and well-maintained garden, it offers a tranquil and serene setting for your stay.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 74 74 450 450 17 oui
(3 pers.)
1 91 91 580 580 10


Animals Allowed


  • Château Gaillard: Located in Les Andelys, this medieval fortress was built by Richard the Lionheart in the 12th century. Visitors can explore the ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the Seine Valley.
  • Claude Monet's House and Gardens: Situated in Giverny, this is the former residence of the famous impressionist painter, Claude Monet. The house and gardens inspired many of his renowned works, including the famous water lilies series.
  • Rouen Cathedral: As one of the most impressive Gothic cathedrals in France, Rouen Cathedral is renowned for its stunning architecture and intricate stained glass windows. It also holds historical significance as the place where Joan of Arc was condemned to death.
  • Honfleur: This charming port town on the Seine estuary is known for its picturesque harbor, colorful buildings, and narrow streets lined with art galleries and cafes. Honfleur is a popular destination for artists and photographers.
  • Le Bec-Hellouin Abbey: Situated in the village of Le Bec-Hellouin, this abbey dates back to the 11th century. Visitors can explore its beautiful Romanesque architecture, tranquil gardens, and attend Gregorian chants during religious services.
  • Château de Bizy: Located in Vernon, this grand 18th-century castle is often referred to as the "little Versailles." It features stunning gardens, opulent interiors, and an impressive collection of artwork. Guided tours are available.
  • Château d'Ételan: Situated near Caudebec-en-Caux, this Renaissance-style castle is surrounded by picturesque gardens overlooking the Seine River. Visitors can enjoy guided tours of the castle and explore the parkland.
  • Le Jardin Plume: This unique contemporary garden in Auzouville-sur-Ry showcases a diverse range of plants and intricate landscaping. It offers a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere for nature lovers and gardening enthusiasts.
  • Château de Harcourt: Located in Harcourt, this medieval fortress is one of the oldest and best-preserved castles in Normandy. Visitors can explore its towers, courtyards, and the beautiful arboretum surrounding the castle. 10. Museum of Impressionism: Situated in Giverny, this museum focuses on the history and development of Impressionism. It houses a collection of works by Monet, Renoir, and other prominent artists, providing insight into this influential art movement. Please note that distances and availability may vary, so it is recommended to check the opening hours and current accessibility of these attractions before visiting.