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Jean et Irene Mévellec


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price from €270






Description for Gite

Located in the picturesque South Finistere region, these 4 charming gites are nestled in historic rural buildings made of beautiful shale. Originally a farmhouse dating back to the 1600s and 1800s, these gites offer a unique blend of history and modern comfort. Surrounded by a beautifully landscaped area, the private pool is a true haven for relaxation and rejuvenation, perfect for spending quality time with your family.

Situated in an ideal location, the Kerodet cottages offer easy access to a wide range of tourist attractions within a 25 km radius. Whether you're interested in exploring the breathtaking scenery, embarking on exciting tours, or immersing yourself in the rich local heritage and traditions, this vibrant tourist area has something for everyone.

From the gites, you can choose between captivating sea views or the tranquil beauty of the countryside, allowing you to experience a variety of emotions during your stay. With the stunning beaches and bustling cities of Concarneau and Quimper just 25 minutes away, and Brest and Lorient a convenient 45-minute drive, you'll have endless opportunities to explore and discover the wonders of the region.

No matter the season, these gites are open all year round, welcoming guests for weekend getaways and night stays. For more information, please visit our website.


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To get to Kerodet Cottages, follow these travel directions:
From Lorient, take the expressway towards Rosporden, Torch, and Coray.
From Brest, take the Ergué Gabéric/Coray exit in Quimper. Then, head towards Coray on the D15. In Coray, take the D50 towards Briec/Langolen. After 800 meters, follow the signs to the right for "Cottages Kerodet."



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extra bed
Holiday Home 4 270 510


Swimming Pool


  • Quimper Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Corentin de Quimper): Located in Quimper, just 11 km from Kerodet, this magnificent cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. It features stunning stained glass windows and intricate sculptures, making it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Cornwall Festival (Festival de Cornouaille): Every July, the town of Quimper hosts this lively festival celebrating Breton culture and traditions. Visitors can enjoy traditional music, dance performances, art exhibitions, and indulge in local cuisine. It offers a vibrant and authentic experience of the region.
  • Odet River (Rivière de l'Odet): The Odet River flows through Kerodet, offering scenic views and opportunities for outdoor activities such as kayaking, canoeing, or simply enjoying a leisurely boat ride. The river is surrounded by lush greenery, making it a perfect spot for nature lovers.
  • Le Faouët Market (Marché de Le Faouët): Located approximately 30 km from Kerodet, this market takes place every Saturday and is famous for its wide variety of local produce, fresh seafood, cheeses, and handicrafts. It is an ideal place to immerse yourself in the local culture and taste delicious regional specialties.
  • Château de Trevarez: Situated around 40 km from Kerodet, this stunning castle is nestled amidst beautiful gardens and offers a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of the early 20th century. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire the landscaped gardens, and attend various events and exhibitions held throughout the year.
  • Musee de la Faience de Quimper: Located in Quimper, this museum showcases the rich history of Quimper faience, a traditional pottery style famous in the region. Visitors can discover the intricate designs, learn about the craftsmanship, and even purchase unique pieces as souvenirs.
  • Glénans Archipelago (Archipel des Glénan): Situated off the coast of southern Brittany, this group of islands is a paradise for nature lovers and water sports enthusiasts. Offering crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and vibrant marine life, it provides opportunities for sailing, diving, and snorkeling adventures.
  • Huelgoat Forest (Forêt de Huelgoat): Located approximately 50 km from Kerodet, this enchanting forest is famous for its giant granite boulders and mystical landscapes. Visitors can explore picturesque trails, discover hidden caves, and enjoy the tranquility of nature.
  • Pointe du Raz: Around 80 km from Kerodet, Pointe du Raz is a dramatic headland known for its rugged cliffs and panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular destination for hiking, offering breathtaking coastal paths and a chance to observe seabirds and marine wildlife. 10. Locronan: This charming medieval village, located around 40 km from Kerodet, is renowned for its well-preserved architecture and picturesque streets. Visitors can wander through the cobblestone lanes, admire the traditional Breton houses, and visit artisan shops selling local crafts and products.