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Géry Dequeker
43 Rue des Haas
Saint Jacut de la mer


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price from €399






Description for B&B:

Located on the ground floor of a residence named "The Cottage of the Sea," this charming 64 m² apartment offers breathtaking views of the sea from its two spacious balconies. Situated just 10 meters away from Haas Beach in a picturesque peninsula boasting 11 beautiful beaches, this dream holiday destination in the Brittany region is surrounded by serene sun-drenched parklands adjacent to the abbey.

Description for Gite

Located on the first floor of the "Sea Cottage" residence, just 10 meters from Haas Beach in a picturesque peninsula boasting 11 beautiful beaches, this spacious 64 m² apartment is sure to captivate you. Its two large balconies offer uninterrupted views of the sea, bathing the rooms in sunlight and tranquility. Adjacent to the peaceful abbey park, this is the perfect setting for a dream holiday on the stunning coast of Brittany.


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Located in the Côtes d Armor department in Saint-Jacut de la Mer, this destination offers a tranquil and picturesque seaside experience. Situated just a mere 10 metres from the sea, visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the coastline.

For those looking to explore further, Saint-Jacut de la Mer is conveniently located 20 kilometres from both Saint Malo and Dinan-Dinard. Additionally, the charming town of Saint Cast is a short 6-kilometre drive away.



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extra bed
Apartment 1 399 599


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  • Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer Beach: Located just a short walk from Rue des Haas, this beautiful sandy beach offers stunning views of the surrounding coastline. Visitors can relax on the beach, swim in the clear waters, or enjoy various water sports activities.
  • Fort National: Situated in the nearby city of Saint-Malo, Fort National is a historic fortress that dates back to the 17th century. It offers panoramic views of the sea and the city and provides an interesting glimpse into the region's military history.
  • Cap Fréhel: A scenic headland located about 35 kilometers from Saint Jacut de la mer, Cap Fréhel boasts breathtaking cliffs, picturesque landscapes, and stunning coastal views. Visitors can explore the walking trails, visit the lighthouse, or simply enjoy the natural beauty of the area.
  • Dinard: Situated on the opposite bank of the Rance River, Dinard is a charming seaside town known for its beautiful beaches, Belle Époque architecture, and vibrant waterfront promenade. Visitors can stroll along the beach, explore the town's elegant villas, or visit the famous Casino Barrière.
  • Mont-Saint-Michel: Although further away (around 85 kilometers), Mont-Saint-Michel is a must-visit tourist attraction in the region. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is an iconic abbey perched on a rocky island and surrounded by vast tidal flats. Visitors can explore the abbey, wander through the narrow streets, and witness the dramatic tides that surround the island.
  • Dinan: Located along the Rance River, Dinan is a medieval town known for its well-preserved ramparts, half-timbered houses, and cobbled streets. Visitors can explore the charming old town, visit the 13th-century castle, and enjoy panoramic views from the town's ramparts.
  • Grand Aquarium de Saint-Malo: Situated in Saint-Malo, this aquarium offers a fascinating underwater journey with a wide variety of marine species. Visitors can witness sharks, sea turtles, colorful fish, and even touch some of the creatures in the interactive exhibits.
  • Château de la Hunaudaye: Positioned about 20 kilometers from Saint Jacut de la mer, this medieval castle is a testament to the region's rich history. Visitors can explore the fortified walls, towers, and dungeons, and learn about the castle's intriguing past through informative exhibits. These attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty and historical sites to charming towns and cultural destinations, all within a reasonable distance from Rue des Haas in Saint Jacut de la mer.

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