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Mahoney Carole Et Patrick
15 Kerlouet


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  • Château de Kergrist: Located in Plouguernével, this stunning medieval castle offers guided tours and showcases exquisite architecture and beautiful gardens.
  • Abbaye de Bon-Repos: Situated in Saint-Gelven, this historic abbey dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the ruins, attend cultural events, and enjoy scenic walks around the adjacent lake.
  • Lac de Guerlédan: A picturesque lake in the heart of Brittany, ideal for outdoor activities such as boating, kayaking, fishing, and hiking. The surrounding area offers stunning views and charming villages.
  • Josselin Castle: Found in the town of Josselin, this magnificent fortress is a symbol of Brittany's rich history. Explore the medieval architecture, visit the museum, and stroll through the charming town center.
  • Les Chaos du Gouët: Located near Plouvara, this natural site boasts impressive rock formations along the river Gouët. It's perfect for adventurous hikers and nature enthusiasts seeking beautiful landscapes.
  • Village de Poul-Fetan: An open-air museum in Quistinic that recreates a traditional Breton village from the 19th century. Visitors can experience the daily life of the time, participate in workshops, and enjoy local delicacies.
  • Les Rochers du Diable: Situated in Huelgoat, this enchanting forest offers mystical rock formations, ancient trees, and scenic walking trails. The area is steeped in folklore and provides a magical atmosphere.
  • Musée de la Résistance Bretonne: Located in Saint-Marcel, this museum commemorates the resistance movement during World War II in Brittany. Exhibits include artifacts, photographs, and personal testimonies.
  • La Vallée des Saints: Situated in Carnoët, this unique park showcases over 100 monumental statues representing Breton saints. It's a fascinating place to learn about local legends and Breton culture. 10. Château de Tonquédec: Found in Tonquédec, this medieval castle is renowned for its impressive fortifications and panoramic views. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins and learn about its turbulent history.

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