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Claudine Antoine
5 Route des Granges
Le Ménil


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

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There are two bedrooms available, each furnished with one double bed. Additionally, there is an option to add an extra bed for a child in one of the rooms. The bedrooms are equipped with two bedside tables. The living room consists of a table, chairs, a TNT TV, internet access, a comfortable sofa, and a separate toilet. For relaxation, there is a bathroom with a double-sized bathtub available for 50 euros per night. Each morning, a delicious breakfast is served at a rate of 27 euros per person. All taxes are included in the price. The accommodation provides parking facilities, a terrace, and garden furniture. Furthermore, there is a garage available to store bikes and skis.

Description for Gite


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Once you have reached the Menil Centre, proceed towards the hotel. Take the road just before the cemetery and travel approximately 2 kilometers until you reach Parcour Health. From there, continue on the same road until you reach the house. Please note that the road ends at the house (the chemin stops).



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 50 100 350 30


Animals Allowed


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  • Lac de Gérardmer: Situated around 20 kilometers northwest of Le Ménil, Lac de Gérardmer is a stunning lake nestled in the heart of the Vosges Mountains. It offers various water activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing. The lake is also surrounded by picturesque hiking trails, making it an ideal spot for nature lovers.
  • Ballons des Vosges Regional Nature Park: Spanning across a vast area of the Vosges Mountains, Ballons des Vosges Regional Nature Park is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. It features numerous hiking trails, mountain peaks, and scenic viewpoints. Visitors can explore the park's diverse wildlife, charming villages, and enjoy panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Ventron: Located about 11 kilometers southeast of Le Ménil, Ventron is a charming village renowned for its natural beauty. It offers fantastic opportunities for hiking, cycling, and horseback riding. The village also features the Ventron Ski Resort, which attracts winter sports enthusiasts with its slopes and snow parks.
  • Écomusée du Pays de la Cerise: Situated in Fougerolles, approximately 40 kilometers northeast of Le Ménil, Écomusée du Pays de la Cerise is a museum dedicated to the history and culture of the cherry industry in the region. Visitors can learn about the cherry-growing process, taste local cherry products, and explore the museum's exhibitions.
  • Château de Saulxures: Located around 15 kilometers southeast of Le Ménil, Château de Saulxures is a medieval castle dating back to the 11th century. The castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to discover its rich history, architecture, and beautiful surroundings. The site also hosts various cultural events and exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Colmar: Situated approximately 60 kilometers west of Le Ménil, Colmar is a picturesque town famous for its well-preserved old town and colorful half-timbered houses. Visitors can stroll through the charming streets, visit the Musée Unterlinden to see famous artworks, and enjoy the town's vibrant atmosphere and local cuisine.
  • Haut-Kœnigsbourg Castle: Located about 70 kilometers northwest of Le Ménil, Haut-Kœnigsbourg Castle is a stunning medieval fortress perched on a hilltop. It offers panoramic views of the Alsace region and houses a museum showcasing the castle's history and architecture. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, walk along its walls, and attend medieval reenactments. These attractions offer a diverse range of activities and experiences, from outdoor adventures to cultural exploration, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and history of the region.

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