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Contact Details:


Beatrice Mazurier
5,route Du Baillage Le Mesnil Tétié



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Price per night:

price from €75





Description for B&B:

Welcome to "The Mazurelle," where you will find comfortable 4-star guest rooms. Our accommodations include:

- The "Douce France" room, perfect for two people, with a private bathroom and toilet.
- The family suite "Lili / Swann" can accommodate 2 to 5 people and features two bedrooms, a spacious private bathroom with a separate toilet. An extra bed is available for the 5th person.
- The "Little Nane" room is designed for two people and offers a private shower and toilet.

You can relax and enjoy a good book in our library lounge, which is connected to the breakfast room. Each guest room provides a lovely view of the park. We also warmly welcome babies and have baby equipment, including a cot, high chair, and changing table.

Additionally, we offer custom gift cards for special occasions such as birthdays, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, weddings, Christmas, and retirement. You can also indulge in a weekend getaway in our "Lili" suite, complete with champagne and a candlelit dinner for the price of 185.

To make a reservation, please visit our website.

Room rates at Lamazurelle for 2 people per night include breakfast:

- "Douce France": 75
- "Little Nane": 80
- "Lili / Swann": 90 (25 per additional person)

Breakfast is included in all rates.

Our house is conveniently located at 5, Route Bailiwick in Benesville, 76560. We are only 15 minutes away from Veules the Roses, a beautiful seaside resort and the port of ST Valery en Caux. Additionally, Rouen and Dieppe are just 35 minutes away.

We look forward to welcoming you soon.


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To reach our house in Mesnil-Tétié, follow these revised travel directions: Starting from Rouen, head towards Etalleville by making a right turn at the traffic lights in Doudeville. After driving for approximately 3 km, take a left turn at the crossroads towards Benesville. Keep going for around 500m and you will find our house on the left side, specifically at Mesnil-Tétié in the big bend. Look for the Gîtes de France sign on the portal.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Douce France:75€ et Petite Nane: 80€
Notes: Suite familiale pour 2 à 5 personnes, composée de 2 chambres séparées, grande salle de bains, toilettes séparés




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  • Jumièges Abbey: Situated in Jumièges, this historic abbey dates back to the 7th century and is considered one of the most beautiful ruins in France. Visitors can explore the remains of the abbey, including the church, cloister, and chapter house.
  • Parc des Boucles de la Seine Normande: This expansive nature park spans over 9,000 hectares and encompasses the meandering loops of the Seine River. It offers hiking and biking trails, picnic areas, and stunning viewpoints, perfect for nature lovers.
  • Maison des Traditions Normandes: Located in Saint-Martin-de-Boscherville, this traditional Norman house showcases the region's cultural heritage. Visitors can learn about the local customs, crafts, and traditional Norman architecture through interactive exhibits and demonstrations.
  • Musée Victor Hugo: Situated in the charming town of Villequier, this museum is dedicated to the famous French writer Victor Hugo. It houses a collection of his personal belongings, manuscripts, and memorabilia, offering insights into his life and works.
  • Côte d'Albâtre: Stretching along the coast of Normandy, the Côte d'Albâtre is famous for its dramatic white cliffs and picturesque seaside towns. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views, explore charming fishing villages like Etretat, and relax on the beautiful pebble beaches.
  • Parc de Cleres: Located in Clères, this zoological park is home to a wide variety of animal species, including rare and endangered ones. Visitors can stroll through the park's lush gardens and observe animals such as lemurs, flamingos, tigers, and many more.
  • Rouen Cathedral: Situated in the historic city of Rouen, this magnificent Gothic cathedral is a masterpiece of architecture. Known for its stunning stained glass windows and intricate facade, it inspired famous paintings by Claude Monet and offers a glimpse into medieval France.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen: This art museum in Rouen houses an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. It features works by renowned artists such as Monet, Renoir, and Delacroix. 10. Château de Dieppe: Located in the coastal town of Dieppe, this 15th-century castle overlooks the English Channel. It houses the Dieppe Museum, which displays a diverse range of art and artifacts, including maritime objects, ivory carvings, and paintings from different periods. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, natural, and artistic experiences, allowing visitors to discover the diverse beauty of the region around Benesville, France.