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Agnès Dupont Brillatz
11 Quai De Belle-ile


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Price per week:

price from €380





Description for B&B:

This cozy gîte offers a well-equipped kitchen, a bathroom with a refreshing shower, and a comfortable living-room featuring a charming wood stove. On the first floor, you will find a spacious double bed measuring 140x190. Additionally, there is a mezzanine area with a mattress specifically provided for a child's comfort.


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Notes: Booking from 3 days


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  • Château de Niort: Located in the heart of Niort, the Château de Niort is a medieval fortress that offers panoramic views of the city. It houses the Sèvre-Niortaise museum, which showcases the history and heritage of the region.
  • Donjon de Niort: Situated within the Château de Niort, the Donjon is a well-preserved medieval keep. Visitors can explore its exhibits that depict the daily life of the inhabitants of Niort during the Middle Ages.
  • Marais Poitevin: Also known as the Green Venice, the Marais Poitevin is a stunning marshland renowned for its natural beauty. Visitors can take boat rides through the canals, enjoy picturesque landscapes, and observe a variety of wildlife.
  • Le Pilori: Located in Niort's historic center, Le Pilori is a beautiful half-timbered building that dates back to the 15th century. It currently houses the tourist office and serves as a starting point for exploring the city.
  • Le Moulin du Roc: Situated in the nearby town of Champdeniers-Saint-Denis, Le Moulin du Roc is a charming hotel and restaurant housed in a renovated 17th-century mill. Visitors can enjoy the picturesque surroundings and indulge in fine dining.
  • Musée Bernard d'Agesci: This museum, found in Niort, is home to diverse collections including fine arts, natural history, and archaeology. It showcases works by renowned artists and offers insight into the region's cultural and historical heritage.
  • Coulon: A small village located in the Marais Poitevin, Coulon is a popular starting point for boat trips in the area. It features charming canals, traditional houses, and several restaurants serving local cuisine.
  • Le Nombril du Monde: Situated in the town of Pougne-Hérisson, Le Nombril du Monde is an art center that hosts various exhibitions, performances, and cultural events. It is known for its unique and scenic setting.
  • Parc de la Préhistoire: Located in the nearby town of Massais, this prehistoric park offers a journey back in time. Visitors can explore life-sized replicas of prehistoric animals and learn about the daily lives of our ancestors. 10. Église Notre-Dame: Situated in the heart of Niort, Église Notre-Dame is a stunning Gothic-style church dating back to the 12th century. It features impressive stained glass windows and intricate architectural details. These attractions offer a range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the rich heritage of the region surrounding 11 Quai De Belle-ile, Niort, France.