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Thomas Grellier
25 La Masrouzeau
Saint Léger Bridereix


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Price per week:

price from €300





Description for B&B:

If you seek tranquility and a peaceful atmosphere, where you can breathe fresh air in an enchanting and authentic setting, I have the perfect solution for you. A charming and independent house awaits you in a lush green environment. Located in Creuse, in central France, it is situated 60 km north of Limoges, known as the international capital of porcelain, and 80 km from Aubusson, the world capital of tapestry.

The ground floor of this lovely house features an entrance, a bedroom with a comfortable 140 cm bed, a fully equipped kitchen/dining room, a bathroom with a toilet, and electric heating. Upstairs, accessible through an exterior staircase, you will find a cozy TV lounge.

Outside, there is a terrace, a garden, garden furniture, a barbecue, and even a garage for your car. Additionally, the surrounding area offers various activities such as nature walks, with a stream just 150 meters away and a forest 200 meters away. If you enjoy fishing, there is a body of water just 2 km away. For more leisure options, you can find an indoor swimming pool, a lake, tennis courts, and all necessary shops just 8 km away.

During your stay, you will have the opportunity to savor regional delicacies like Limousine meat, Baronnet lamb, chanterelle mushrooms, Limousin apples, potato pâté, clafoutis, Creusois cake, and black pork. The area also provides ample marked hiking trails for you to explore. The diverse geography of Creuse includes hills such as the peak of the 3 horns, plateaus like the plateau des millevaches, rivers such as the Sedelle gorges and the confluence of the 2 Creuse rivers, and forests like the Chabrières state forest which is home to a wolf park.

For history enthusiasts, there are medieval ruins in Crozant, the Bridiers dungeon, and the gates of La Souterraine to discover. Art lovers can explore the works of painters from the Fresselines school, while those interested in literature can follow in the footsteps of George Sand in Gargilesse. Please note that pets are not allowed in the rental.

The rental is open from May 1st and the prices are as follows: 300.00/week in May and June, and 350.00/week in July and August.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 50 50 300 350




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  • Les Loups de Chabrières: Situated in Guéret, this wildlife park is home to a variety of wolf species from around the world. Visitors can observe these majestic animals in a natural habitat, learn about their behavior and conservation efforts, and even witness feeding sessions.
  • Musée de la Tapisserie d'Aubusson: This museum, located in Aubusson, showcases the exquisite art of tapestry-making. Visitors can discover the history and techniques of this traditional craft, view stunning tapestries from different periods, and even try their hand at weaving.
  • Lac de Vassivière: A beautiful lake situated near Royère-de-Vassivière, the Lac de Vassivière offers a range of recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, kayaking, sailing, or simply relax on the lake's sandy beaches. The surrounding area also features hiking trails and art installations.
  • Parc animalier des Monts de Guéret: This animal park in Guéret allows visitors to observe and interact with various animal species, including deer, boars, wolves, and birds of prey. The park also offers educational activities, such as guided tours and animal feeding sessions.
  • Collégiale Saint-Pierre: Located in the heart of Guéret, this beautiful Romanesque collegiate church dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can admire its stunning architecture, intricate sculptures, and stained glass windows, as well as attend occasional concerts and exhibitions.
  • Les Pierres Jaumâtres: Situated near Toulx-Sainte-Croix, this natural site features a collection of large granite rocks with unique and sometimes bizarre shapes. Visitors can explore the area, learn about the legends and mysteries surrounding the stones, and enjoy panoramic views from the top.
  • Village of Crozant: Nestled on the banks of the Creuse River, the village of Crozant is known for its picturesque landscapes that have inspired many artists, including the famous Impressionist painter Claude Monet. Visitors can stroll through the charming streets, visit art galleries, and enjoy the scenic views of the river and the ruins of Crozant Castle.
  • Musée de l'Électrification: Located in Bourganeuf, this museum showcases the history and development of electricity in rural areas. Visitors can discover the fascinating technological advancements, explore interactive exhibits, and learn about the impact of electrification on daily life. 10. Arboretum de la Sédelle: Situated near Crozant, this arboretum offers a peaceful retreat for nature lovers. Visitors can explore the diverse collection of trees and plants, follow walking trails, and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the surrounding countryside.

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