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Gisèle Ferec


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

Bed and breakfast in a fully renovated character house located on the edge of the D72 road between Briec de l'Odet and Châteauneuf du Faou, 2km from the village of Edern. Quick access to the N165 highway within 5 minutes. There are 2 bedrooms, each with 1 double bed and 1 single bed, as well as 1 dormitory-style room with 4 single beds. Each room has its own private bathroom. Breakfast is included in the rate, and the kitchen is available for your use. Prices range from €22 to €25 per person per night.


Appréciations pour Chez Fine, Edern:

Un séjour magique!
Review by: Claire Roy, Sep 7 2015 4:41PM
Nous avions prévu une nuit, mais nous en sommes restés 3, c'est tout dire! L'accueil, la gentillesse, la disponibilité et la générosité de Gisèle ont conquis toute notre petite famille. Merci pour tout!

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  • Château de Trévarez: Located in Saint-Goazec, approximately 15 kilometers from Roudoufloc'h, Château de Trévarez is a magnificent castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. It offers guided tours, giving visitors the chance to explore its rich history and admire the stunning architecture.
  • Quimper: Situated around 20 kilometers from Roudoufloc'h, Quimper is a charming town known for its well-preserved medieval center. Visitors can explore the picturesque streets, visit the impressive Quimper Cathedral, and discover the town's traditional pottery at the Quimper Faience Museum.
  • Locronan: Located about 25 kilometers from Roudoufloc'h, Locronan is a historic village known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. It offers a glimpse into the past with its cobblestone streets, traditional houses, and beautiful church. Locronan is also famous for its role in various films, making it a popular destination for movie enthusiasts.
  • Pointe du Raz: Situated around 50 kilometers from Roudoufloc'h, Pointe du Raz is a dramatic coastal headland that offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular spot for nature lovers and hikers, with several walking trails that lead to stunning cliffs, lighthouses, and rocky landscapes.
  • Crozon Peninsula: Located approximately 60 kilometers from Roudoufloc'h, the Crozon Peninsula is known for its rugged coastline and beautiful sandy beaches. Visitors can enjoy activities such as hiking, surfing, and exploring the charming coastal villages, including Morgat and Camaret-sur-Mer.
  • Océanopolis: Situated in Brest, around 70 kilometers from Roudoufloc'h, Océanopolis is a popular marine-themed park and aquarium. It offers a fascinating educational experience, allowing visitors to discover various marine ecosystems and species from around the world.
  • Monts d'Arrée: Located about 80 kilometers from Roudoufloc'h, the Monts d'Arrée is a mountain range in Brittany known for its rugged and mystical landscapes. It is a paradise for hikers, offering trails that lead to stunning viewpoints, ancient ruins, and unique flora and fauna.
  • Concarneau: Situated approximately 80 kilometers from Roudoufloc'h, Concarneau is a fortified town renowned for its picturesque harbor and historic old town. Visitors can wander through the fortified walls, visit the famous Ville Close (walled city), and enjoy fresh seafood in one of the charming waterfront restaurants.
  • Pont-Aven: Located around 85 kilometers from Roudoufloc'h, Pont-Aven is a quaint village known for its association with artists, particularly the School of Pont-Aven. Visitors can explore the picturesque streets lined with art galleries, visit the Musée de Pont-Aven, and enjoy the scenic riverside walks. 10. Quimperlé: Situated approximately 90 kilometers from Roudoufloc'h, Quimperlé is a historic town located at the junction of three rivers. It boasts a rich architectural heritage, including medieval houses, a Romanesque abbey, and charming narrow streets. Visitors can also explore the nearby forest of Carnoët, which offers beautiful hiking trails.

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