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Les Amandiers -5343 chemin de la Galline
La Garde Freinet


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Price per night:

price from €90





Description for B&B:

The house presents three exquisite Allouma accommodations available for rent as guest rooms or apartments. La Treille, Flamenco, and the Orangerie boast genuine and sophisticated decor. Each unit stands independently, ensuring utmost privacy for guests.

Description for Gite

Experience the ultimate sequel by renting our guest rooms. Alternatively, if you opt for a cottage, you will have access to a fully equipped kitchen, complete with all the necessities. Every unit boasts a TV/DVD, a barbecue for your convenience, and a charming private outdoor area.


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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Flamenco don't have a KItchen


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Saint-Tropez (11.5 km): A glamorous coastal town known for its luxurious yachts, beautiful beaches, and vibrant nightlife. Explore the charming old town, visit the iconic Vieux Port, and soak up the sun at Pampelonne Beach.
  • Port Grimaud (14.7 km): Dubbed the "Little Venice of France," Port Grimaud is a picturesque Provençal village built around a network of canals. Enjoy a boat ride through the canals, admire the colorful houses, and stroll along the waterfront promenade.
  • Gassin (9.7 km): Perched on a hilltop, Gassin offers panoramic views of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez. Wander through its narrow streets, discover traditional Provencal architecture, and visit the charming Saint-Laurent Church.
  • Grimaud Castle (6.7 km): This medieval fortress overlooks the village of Grimaud and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Explore the ruins, learn about its rich history, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Massif des Maures (8.5 km): A mountain range covered in dense forests, the Massif des Maures is perfect for nature lovers. Hike the numerous trails, enjoy breathtaking vistas, and discover the diverse flora and fauna.
  • Château de la Môle (14.7 km): This historic castle dates back to the 13th century and is nestled in the heart of the Maures Massif. Explore its grand architecture, visit the charming chapel, and learn about the castle's fascinating past.
  • Pampelonne Beach (12.8 km): One of the most famous beaches on the French Riviera, Pampelonne Beach offers golden sands, crystal-clear waters, and a vibrant beach club scene. Relax under a parasol, indulge in water sports, or enjoy a beachside meal.
  • Chartreuse de la Verne (22.1 km): Located in the Massif des Maures, this former Carthusian monastery is a peaceful retreat surrounded by nature. Take a guided tour to admire its stunning architecture, explore the gardens, and learn about its spiritual history.
  • Domaine du Rayol (19.5 km): A botanical garden showcasing Mediterranean flora, Domaine du Rayol offers a serene escape with beautiful landscapes and panoramic sea views. Take a guided tour, attend workshops, and learn about the region's biodiversity. 10. Plage de l'Escalet (12.6 km): A hidden gem tucked away on the coast, Plage de l'Escalet offers a more secluded and peaceful beach experience. Enjoy the clear turquoise waters, relax on the sandy shore, and take in the natural beauty of the surrounding cliffs.

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